911 Call Made By A 5-Year Old To Save Her Dad’s Life Ends Up Alarming Everyone

Published on 04/13/2021

Late Night For Savannah

One evening, Savannah was up late and having trouble falling asleep. On the sofa, she was snuggled with her father. She was missing her mother that night, who was on a business trip. Her dad allowed her to stay up with him, to try and help soothe her. But little did they know that trouble was forthcoming, a beautiful father and daughter evening will turn into a potential nightmare in a blink of an eye.

Late Night For Savannah

Late Night For Savannah

Her Favorite Movie Was On

That night Savannah stayed up later than her usual 8:30 bedtime. Together with her father, they were watching Frozen, which is her favorite movie. At the point of Elsa conducting the children’s choir in the movie, is when Savannah’s dad got up to make some more popcorn, only for Savannah to hear unusual noises coming from the kitchen. The exception of letting his daughter stay up late is something he should be grateful for.

Her Favorite Movie Was On

Her Favorite Movie Was On

She Became Curious And Looked

As usual, Loulou, who’s a family dog barked and Sprunk to the kitchen to investigate the noise. After Savannah called her father, with no response she became worried as this was a bit odd. She immediately paused her favorite movie to also go and have a look. When she got to the kitchen she was shocked at what she saw, as she knew something was terribly wrong. At her young age, you would think she would be clueless about what to do.

She Became Curious And Looked

She Became Curious And Looked

Unusual and Scary

Savannah found her father laying on the floor and she immediately knew that something was seriously wrong, with popcorn all over the floor. Her father was lying on the floor holding his chest as she tried to help him. Making strange noises from his chest and throat, he couldn’t answer his daughter’s worried question; asking what was wrong, and why the floor was messing with popcorn. Not sure what to do, Savannah knew she had to do something quickly.

Unusual And Scary

Unusual And Scary

Chest Pains

As young as she was, Savannah could see that her father was having trouble breathing. He was clutching his chest with no words coming out of his mouth. As expected in this kind of situation, young Savannah was extremely frightened. However, her parents had prepared her for a situation such as this. You never know when your little ones may need to use such a survival skill, teaching them at a young age is a benefit.

Chest Pains

Chest Pains

Well Prepared For This Situation

Although her parents prepared her for a situation like this, Savannah was not allowed to use a mobile phone at random. Only for such an emergency, her parents kept a wall-mounted phone in the kitchen and taught her how and when to use it. Instinctively she ran to fetch the kitchen chair and placed it against the wall to reach the wall-mounted phone, immediately reacting just as she was taught by her parents.

Well Prepared For This Situation

Well Prepared For This Situation

For Emergencies Only

She had been left with strict instructions by her parents, to only use the phone in emergencies. Hoping the cord was long enough to reach her dad, she quickly got on the chair and grasped the phone. But then she came to a daunting realization and had to step up and make adult decisions. She realized her father was not in a condition to speak to emergency services for assistance, with no hesitation she took up that important role.

For Emergencies Only

For Emergencies Only

She Dialed the Infamous Number

Before dialing 9-1-1, Savannah thought she would give the phone to her father first but quickly realized the situation. Apart from the cord being short, her father could not speak nor could he breathe. So she stepped up and dialed 9-1-1 as her parents taught her. At this point, she realized that she would need to be the spokesperson to get her father the help he needs. This phone call would eventually trend as the most famous recorded 9-1-1 call of this age.

She Dialed The Infamous Number

She Dialed The Infamous Number

Life-Saving Skills

It is so critical to thoroughly prepare your family for emergency situations, as early as possible. Understanding and knowing what to say when calling 911 can save the lives of your spouse, children, or siblings in the household. You never know when your family members may need to take up the role of saving a loved one’s life. Savannah taught from a very young age, how to handle this kind of situation, saving her father’s life.

Life Saving Skills

Life Saving Skills


It is clear that Savannah’s parents had taught her what to do when someone needs help, from a very young age. It is wise and responsible to teach your children survival skills even when they are regarded as small children. Savannah was taught to seek help from the nearest trustworthy adult, unfortunately, on that night she was all alone with her dad who needed help. She was a smart little girl, to even remember 911 as the helpline to bring help from outside.



Emergency Call

Savannah quickly dialed 911, and with the help of the emergency operator, she was put through to the relevant service. There she was immediately assisted by Jason Bonham, who was perplexed at how young she was. Jason knew he needed to urgently help the frightened little girl. He says she communicated in a mature and calm manner, such that he knew exactly what situation she was facing, leaving him impressed and motivated to help her through this traumatic event.

Emergency Call

Emergency Call

A First For Jason

With eleven years of experience working as an operator, Jason has never come across a young caller like Savannah, this was a first. Her calmness and clarity shocked Jason and he knew how to best keep her in that state. His strategy was to keep asking her the right questions, to give her clear and simple instructions to follow. Jason’s strategy was not only to buy time for an ambulance in transit but to keep her as calm as possible.

A First For Jason

A First For Jason

Past Trainers For Jason

Jason knew that a lot could go wrong in this situation, as he is reminded of a similar incident that had happened when he was a little boy. All he wanted to do was prevent such an event from happening to Savannah, which could scar her for life. Having gone through the same experience as a young boy, the only thing he had in his mind was to help her as best as possible.

Past Trainers For Jason

Past Trainers For Jason

It Was Meant To Be

Jason shared with a reporter, in 1990 that he had been in a similar event as a young boy, and that speaking to Savannah on the phone was meant to be, to help her get through the ordeal. The 37-year-old was only 7 years old when this had happened to him and still haunts him today at his old age. To deal with the trauma of his childhood he has begun therapy sessions with a psychologist.

It Was Meant To Be

It Was Meant To Be

What Lead to Jason’s Career as an Operator

In the ‘90s, Jason was playing in the living room, in the middle of a summer holiday evening. Out of nowhere, his mother collapsed right next to him, laying with no sign of movement nor response. Like any other child, Jason panicked and stood in shock, with no one to call for help at home. His shock left him frozen with no sense of urgency or action to get help for his distressed mother.

What Lead To Jasons Career As An Operator

What Lead To Jasons Career As An Operator

Avoid Repeating The Same Mistake

Jason’s terrible experience has taught him to call 911 from a very young age. Like he was on this day, his father was also working late the night his mother collapsed. Feeling guilty that he had made a terrible mistake, he was not gonna let Savannah suffer as he did all those years ago. Helping Savannah avoid repeating the same mistake was very important to Jason at this point, and see her through to the end.

Avoid Repeating The Same Mistake

Avoid Repeating The Same Mistake

Connecting the Dots

Jason needed to collect all the information he could get about Savannah’s dad. Savannah was sharp enough to ask her father the right questions, like what was wrong with him, and what he was feeling. He managed to mumble enough for her to understand. She understood that he had trouble breathing, that he had severe chest pains, and evidently having trouble forming a speech. With enough information, Jason could connect the dots to arrange and communicate to the relevant emergency service.

Connecting The Dots

Connecting The Dots

Help Is On The Way

The recording eventually got viral amongst the emergency services team, and in it, Jason does a remarkable job in keeping Savannah calm and reassured everything was going to be okay. She kept on passing the message to her dad, that help is on the way. Whenever a worrying moment occurred for Savannah, Jason needed to calm her down during this traumatic moment for her. Rushing to her residential address, emergency services were just a few minutes away.

Help Is On The Way

Help Is On The Way

In Pajamas with Daddy

Savannah and her father were in their pajamas because it was nighttime. Now that she knew the company was on its way, she was worried pajamas might not be appropriate. She wanted to quickly change into something more suitable, although Jason advised how critical it is for her to stay close with her father until medical services arrive. Savannah was mature enough to understand how important what Jason was asking of her and waited for them.

In Pajamas With Daddy

In Pajamas With Daddy

A Friend In A Time Of Need

It is only normal to be upset when your parents are experiencing pain and distress, and Savannah was only five years old at the time of her call. To keep the little girl in her calm state, Jason needed to do whatever he could, because feeling overwhelmed in this situation was so easy. To help Savannah avoid repeating the same mistake he did, it was important that Jason played a friendly role, and see her through to the end.

A Friend In A Time Of Need

A Friend In A Time Of Need

Getting To Know Savannah

In the call recording, it is evident that Jason and Savannah were getting to know each other. Striking a balance of keeping Savannah in a calm state, Jason manages to get her talking and chatty, whilst keeping a constant check on her dad and his responsiveness. Adorable and amazing at the same time, Savannah was chatty and interactive with Jason, without neglecting her father in need. Even in this shocking experience, she remained mature and engaging.

Getting To Know Savannah

Getting To Know Savannah

Jason Meets LouLou

What was so delightful during the chat with Savannah, is that she introduced her furry friend to Jason. She shared that her dog LouLou is “friendly, but barks a lot” and that she didn’t like that about LouLou. Take a moment and scroll down to listen to the full video clip, and find out what made people hysteric over the conversation. Jason’s conversation had the listeners hooked and astonished that a little girl like Savannah was so mature.

Jason Meets LouLou

Jason Meets LouLou

Jason’s Childhood Trauma

Jason is reminded of his childhood trauma, whereas as a little boy he remembers the paramedics arriving at his mother’s rescue on time. He was traumatized by the fact that the door was locked, and that he was not aware he needed to unlock it. This delayed the paramedics from entering the house and shouting at Jason to open the door. That trauma still haunts Jason today, a struggle he still battles with today.

Jasons Childhood Trauma

Jasons Childhood Trauma

Still and In Shock

The fact that he could not move when he needed to open the door, left the 7-year-old Jason paralyzed and full of fear. The minute delay proved to be a crucial time in the pursuit of preserving his mother’s health and saving her life. Eventually, the paramedics kicked the door and were successful in getting through the door. The time wasted meant an even more difficult task at hand for emergency services to help Jason’s mom.

Still And In Shock

Still And In Shock

Froze in Fear

Eventually, Jason was able to move, even so, he couldn’t find the keys. At this stage his mother was still lying on the floor unconscious, and unresponsive. The paramedics had no choice but to break the door down to get into the house and rush to his mother. This experience left the young 7-year-old traumatized for a long time. Being the only immediate her mother needed, Jason was traumatized and knowing he could have done more and quicker.

Froze In Fear

Froze In Fear

Valuable Time

In a hurry, the paramedics attended to Jason’s mother. The guilt in the young man, only 7 years old and feeling sad for not being able to open the door at the most critical time, potentially costing his mother’s health severely. In Savannah’s case, Jason wanted to ensure no valuable time was lost, and protect the young girl from such a trauma. He kept her engaged and calm enough so that she could respond to his instructions timeously.

Valuable Time

Valuable Time

A Moment of Relief

During the conversation between Savannah and Jason, you hear him asking her if she is able to unlock the front door. When she confirms that she just did, Jason evidently sighs in relief as he recalls: “This was one of my childhood traumas to which I could’ve lost my mother”. What gave Jason more confidence when assisting Savannah, was how she was a step ahead of everything she needed to do at this point, and patiently waiting for the paramedics.

A Moment Of Relief

A Moment Of Relief

One Crucial Minute

Back then, Jason and his father were very lucky as the paramedics rushed his mother to the emergency room, where she was attended to with no time wasted. She fully recovered later, however it was mentioned to them if another minute was wasted, she might not have made it. Hearing that your lack of action would have cost the life of a loved one, must be a trauma you carry for a lifetime, thinking of the worst-case scenario.

One Crucial Minute

One Crucial Minute

Waiting Patiently

Patiently waiting, Savannah stayed in the line for just about ten minutes with Jason as the paramedics made their way to the house. While supporting her in this traumatic time, Jason was kept up to date with Savannah’s dad and his condition. It was not long till the paramedics arrived at the rescue, and rushed Savannah’s dad to the emergency room. Her patience and readiness made the paramedics’ job easier with no delays in moving her father into the emergency van and rushed to the hospital.

Waiting Patiently

Waiting Patiently

Anonymous Medic

One of the paramedics opted to stay with young Savannah, as she was evidently in a state, and needed someone to be with her, at least until her mother was contacted. The paramedic preferred an anonymous status. She was extremely impressed with Savannah’s charming personality and composure in such a traumatic event. “I hope my kids would act as quickly and cleverly as Savannah in a situation like this.” She added, “what a wonderful kid,”

Anonymous Medic

Anonymous Medic

Dog-Whisperer in Savannah

The anonymous paramedic shared with a reporter: “We were extremely fortunate that she was able to unlock the door, and that the dog LouLou was was friendly, even though he couldn’t help but bark quite a lot!” When the p[aramedics arrived, Savannah was a few steps ahead, holding LouLou back from interfering with the paramedics as they attended to her father, trying to save his life.“There was the young girl comforting her dog.”

Dog Whisperer In Savannah

Dog Whisperer In Savannah

Decision Time for Savannah

It was soon time for Savannah and the paramedic to follow and go to the hospital, and join her father. The paramedic told her she had to change from her tank top, and into something more suitable for the hospital. “Paramedics have all been exposed to a number of unique situations, and it is vital to remain calm and well-collected regardless of the situation. It can be especially challenging when the situation involves minors, although the job requires a level-headed approach.”

Decision Time For Savannah

Decision Time For Savannah

A Dynamite in a Small Package

“Most people in emergency situations are understandably hysterical when they make contact,” Jason said. “Savvanah, on the other hand, was exceptional.” He later appraised young Savannah for remaining calm in the midst of the traumatic event. Thinking back to his own childhood experience, and how he would have changed a few things he had done wrong. Today that experience helps him handle similar cases such as Savannah’s with urgency.

A Dynamite In A Small Package

A Dynamite In A Small Package

The End of a Famous Call

Leaving the young girl in the very capable hands of paramedics, Jason eventually hung up the call. This left him ever so curious about how Savannah’s story ends. In his experience, he says she is the bravest 5-year-old child he has ever interacted with. He says she communicated and spoke to him in a mature and calm manner, and that he knew exactly what situation she was facing, leaving him impressed with how she carried herself.

The End Of A Famous Call

The End Of A Famous Call

Our Unsung Heroes

When a loved one is suffering from an illness or pain, it is scary and terrifying to watch them suffer. Though Savannah was young when experiencing this, she was in the presence and comfort of Jason and the paramedics, helping her through it all. Commending her bravery, and the heroic act of the emergency services, as they deal with countless calls similar to Savannah’s, and many other emergency situations on a daily basis, and just helping people in need.

Our Unsung Heroes

Our Unsung Heroes

Professional Assistant

When people need help at the worst moments in their lives, Emergency services are available to help. From dispatch operators, paramedics, hospital staff, and drivers, it is crucial they remain calm when those in need are panicking. During Savannah’s case, it was Jason’s demeanor that kept her calm, and in just ten minutes paramedics arrived. One day, it might be you in a similar case like Savanna’s, perhaps we can all be supportive to our local emergency services.

Professional Assistant

Professional Assistant

Welcoming The Young Hero

When Savannah made her entrance into the hospital with the paramedic, she received a warm welcome from all staff, as word spread quickly around the hospital. Afterward, the nurse said, “It is not common at all for young children to know how to remain calm during an emergency situation, as emotions often get the best of them. However, this is the case even with most adults.“ Savannah’s ability to remain cool and calm during the episode is truly amazing, to say the least.

Welcoming The Young Hero

Welcoming The Young Hero

Positive Result

Savannah’s mom received the news on her way to a business trip, to support her husband and daughter she turned around and rushed to the hospital. Thanks to her amazing level head and articulation, her dad survived the tragedy and turned out just fine. She remembered everything she was taught by her parents, and when it mattered most she stepped up and saved her father’s life. The end of this story ends on a positive note.

Positive Result

Positive Result

Saved By His Own Daughter

After his full recovery, Savannah’s dad can’t stop raving about how his daughter saved his life, by thinking on her feet. With no aftermath, trauma, or fears, Savannah is delighted to be with her dad at home once again. The family rests assured that Savannah is prepared to step up in a time of need or crisis. All of the lessons they had taught her, came to his rescue and saved his life when he was helpless.

Saved By His Own Daughter

Saved By His Own Daughter

Happily Ever After

Savannah said to a reporter: “The paramedics were really really nice, especially the lady and so was the man on the phone.” Now that she was a hero in a crisis situation, the reporter asked Savannah if she would like to become a paramedic or see herself in the 911 Emergency Systems. The young girl gullibly responded that she feels more suited as a dog trainer, and maybe one day she can teach her furry friend LouLou to stop barking so much.

Happily Ever After

Happily Ever After