These Are Some Morbid And Fascinating Confessions
Funerals are difficult to discuss. If you think attending funerals is painful, consider what it’s like for those who work in the profession, dealing with the end of human life every day.

Funeral Industry
Folks who work in the funeral industry keep a lot of secrets, and sometimes they come out and share those secrets with the rest of the world. We’ll discuss exactly what those secrets and odd stories and some of them are just weird!
Please, Take Us Together
Pets are adored by their owners. That is something we absolutely understand. Some people are so attached to their pets that they want to be buried with them when they die. In terms of this tale, the language is what we’re concerned with. The way this statement is written, it appears that the dog had not yet died before being put down for the funeral.

Please Take Us Together
We’re hoping that it’s just some strange statement and that this isn’t the case. In any event, it’s understandable that some folks wish to be buried with their pets, especially if they’ve lived together for a long period.
Well, That’s One Awesome Way To Go
People or one of their relatives can choose what music they want to be buried to. In any case, everyone has the right to choose any music they like, even if it is NSYNC. It’s not that we don’t like them, but it’s not really appropriate.

Well Thats One Awesome Way To Go
In a way, the music they chose to be played while being lowered might have been suitable. In any case, it’s a strange situation, to each his or her own. If you didn’t know, you have complete control over the music played at your funeral!
Even At The Very Last Moment
Individuals are said to be destined to fight no matter what, but you would think that such fighting would come to an end when people died. Unfortunately, for a variety of reasons, some people still end up fighting others. It’s possible that they aren’t really dead after all!

Even At The Very Last Moment
In any case, folks who work in the funeral industry can speak to the truth that people will find reasons to fight even when such things occur. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if we could live in a world where it didn’t have to happen at all?
Why Is This So Important To Her
Funeral home employees are occasionally approached with strange requests to dress the corpse in specific attire. You’d expect that such demands would largely be about dressing children in significant attire, but they don’t always appear to make sense.

Why Is This So Important To Her
Even if they’ve never gone fishing, you can apparently request that they be placed into a fishing jacket. Where does it all come to an end? Clown costumes? Armor for a knight? Gliding suits, perhaps? We’re just puzzled about the logic behind this request.
Fairly Reasonable
People opt to become vegetarian for a variety of reasons. Working at a mortuary, on the other hand, might be one of the most convincing. After all, when you work with corpses, you tend to think about things like meat and where it comes from a little more.

Fairly Reasonable
So we can’t say we blame anybody for not feeling as at ease with meat as they previously did. After all, there’s a lot there to be uneasy about. However, if you enjoy meat, we advise you to stay away from the mortuary business.
Prices That Are Borderline Criminal
Would you be surprised if we told you that funerals are pricey not because they are pricey, but because they are a business? No, we don’t believe you are. Prices are set absurdly high in various industries, such as healthcare and insurance.

Prices That Are Borderline Criminal
To be honest, it’s a little upsetting. We understand that workers in this industry must work and be paid, but do they have to demand such hefty fees for caring for the deceased? We find them to be uncaring and cold, though we understand that they must be in their line of work.
The Show That Is “Six Feet Under”
It goes without saying that when a show is made about someone’s profession, it will get a lot of things and details wrong. As a result, one would suppose that people who are experts look down on the show. However, this isn’t always the case.

The Show That Is Six Feet Under
In fact, this mortician claims that they don’t mind the show and think it does a good job of depicting the industry. When it comes to stuff like this, you don’t hear things like this every day. But don’t get me wrong: not everyone is an elitist.
Fence Jumping
Remember we were earlier talking about how funerals may be very costly? There are just some folks who simply refuse to pay. When that happens, they apparently consider crossing fences, digging their own graves, and performing their own burials.

Fence Jumping
We can’t blame them, given the high cost of funerals nowadays. However, other than the fact that it’s a big hassle, we’re very sure that doing so is extremely unlawful, so it’s probably best to avoid it in any case, even if it’s just for legal purposes.
Time’s Remainder
Occasionally, a buried body needs to be exhumed. It isn’t always a pleasant job, but according to some experts, it isn’t necessarily as horrible as you may expect. This particular mortician has seen two bodies exhumed, the first of which he says was actually decent, or at least partly.

Times Remainder
Of course, some bones were still present, which is to be anticipated given the circumstances, regardless of how long they had been there. But still, it’s surprising how well embalming can preserve a body under the correct conditions.
We Do Our Best
It’s been said that you shouldn’t make promises you can’t keep. This is especially true when it comes to funerals. Everyone wants their loved ones to appear and be their best for an open casket funeral, but it isn’t always realistic.

We Do Our Best
As a result, a funeral director would be wise not to make any promises to the deceased’s family that they know they cannot keep at all. That may sound harsh, but it’s the best approach to avoid unnecessarily disappointed expectations. It’s preferable to be open and honest about the situation’s realities.
Heavy Lifting Is Always Part Of It
One thing that most people, especially those outside of the funeral industry, are probably unaware of is how much heavy lifting is involved. When you think about it, humans and caskets (caskets are especially quite solid) are both quite hefty, and both must be transported frequently.

Heavy Lifting Is Always Part Of It
Those who work in the funeral industry must be willing and ready to do some heavy lifting, whether alone or in a group. In any case, despite the fact that it is a reality, it is unlikely to be part of most people’s job descriptions.
Memories Of The Past
Families often remember their loved ones at their prime, when they were young and full of enthusiasm. However, it’s important to realize that no one is ever in their prime, and no one is ever in their prime when they pass away. It’s odd, though, to try to make them look like they used to.

Memories Of The Past
Furthermore, it might be a real pain. Take a look at what this funeral director has to say about it; they make some excellent points to consider. The majority of people no longer fit into their previous outfits!
Sexism To The Highest Degree
The funeral industry is, definitely and without a doubt, a primarily male-dominated industry. This female worker, on the other hand, demonstrates how sexist the entire situation is. The funeral industry appears to be challenged by numerous issues.

Sexism To The Highest Degree
The worst part of this harsh reality is that this kind of sexism encourages other women in the industry to be sexist even toward their own gender. We understand that while you’re competing for a job, you don’t want to let anyone in who might jeopardize it in some circumstance.
A Unique Kind Of Solace
It’s reasonable if someone thinks that working in the funeral industry is a bit spooky and scary. However, we believe that this particular personnel is not really be concerned by the situation. After all, as professionals, they have to be able to deal with it because that is what they do.

A Unique Kind Of Solace
As a result, we somehow understand how this person feels. It is true that individuals who have passed away can never truly harm you. So, strange as it may seem, there is a sense of solace to be found in the profession when you think about it.
Go Back To Where You Came From
When a body is brought into any funeral home, it is usually after the person has died. That isn’t always the case, though. Some wrong things happen from time to time, and someone may not even be dead yet. We’re not clear how someone could make such an error.

Go Back To Where You Came From
Of course, the individual in question was about to die, so we’ll grant them a break on this one. Although, before sending them to a funeral home, it wouldn’t have hurt to double-check the person, right? That appears to be the least they could have done.
It’s A Bit Unsettling
While we said before that working with the dead does not disturb everyone, some funeral workers do have minor concerns with the job. That difficulty, per the statement of this woman’s fiancé, has to do with the eyes of the dead opening: of course on reflex.

Its A Bit Unsettling
As a result, he does his job and glues them shut. We don’t blame him for being a little on the nose (or in the eyes), because that would be really creepy if you were in the middle of handling the body, wouldn’t it? Yes, we believe it to be the case.
Fill In The Blanks
People can have modifications happen to their bodies while they are still alive, thus those who work in the morgue must keep this reality in mind when doing their duties. They had to cope with a particular modification on a woman in this circumstance.

Fill In The Blanks
When things do not go as planned, how do they usually and commonly fix it? Cotton balls, it seems, were the answer they were searching for. What other unconventional methods do funeral directors have to use to get the job done when situations arise? It could be preferable to let it remain a profession’s secret.
The Last Drawn Breath
A body (even though dead) can create noise when air that has been stored inside it is discharged, an episode known as “death rattling”. Simply put, if someone wasn’t aware of the possibility, this could be rather terrifying. Of course, we’re sure a lot of funeral workers are aware of this.

The Last Drawn Breath
However, if this happened to a family member who had no idea it was even possible, it would most likely be horrific, to say the least. It’s something to think about when it comes to funerals and the departed, especially if you’re a family member.
Holding It Shut
When a body has been dead for some time, a lot goes into making it presentable at a funeral. Most of these things, as you might expect, aren’t especially nice to consider and weird to think about, which is why most funeral directors won’t even tell you about them.

Holding It Shut
However, research on the internet reveals that the deceased’s jaws must be held closed with a range of options. While it’s unsettling to consider, it appears to be that there are many plausible options. The methods utilized, however, appear to be a point of controversy.
The Best Version Of My Self
Anyone would think that when it’s time to be buried, you can just forget about appearances, but that isn’t the case for all. In fact, some people desire to wear a certain piece of apparel when they are buried to make themselves look more decent.

The Best Version Of My Self
Or maybe the point of this post is that people are attempting to retain their modesty after they leave. In any case, it seems pointless to entertain such reservations once you are no longer among the living, right? Well, to each their own, I suppose.
Something Must Be Done!
Bugs might be a huge concern depending on where you live. Gnats are particularly bothersome since they come in swarms and would like to fly all over your face. Nonetheless, such irritating insects have no issue with spoiling a funeral.

Something Must Be Done
Gnats will not spare the body if the funeral is conducted in an open casket. As a funeral director or anyone in other fields like maybe an environmental worker, you may have to use any measures necessary to get the pests to bug off, as we’ve been advised.
Stomach Of Steel
As one might expect, there are a variety of particular scents associated with the death of a human body. Such odors aren’t really detectable until everything is said and done prior to an open casket funeral, but that isn’t the case before everything is said and done.

Stomach Of Steel
For starters, the human body has an inclination for soiling itself after death, not to mention the natural process of decomposition. If you want to work in the funeral industry, it goes without saying that one must have a strong stomach.
Hidden Fire-Crackers
These days, a lot of people have pacemakers. These devices keep their hearts beating, but when their hearts stop beating, the pacemakers can become a problem. If a body is sent to be cremated, the extreme temperatures are said to cause the pacemakers to burst.

Hidden Fire Crackers
We’re not really sure how powerful of an explosion it would be. However, according to one industry insider, the potential for disaster is so great that the pacemakers must be removed from inside no matter what. It’s better to be safe than sorry.
Responding To The Call Of Duty
Many jobs in the world need complete attention and dedication from those who work them, to the point where they may have to stop all they’re doing to respond to a call. The problem is that few people identify such type of work with funeral directors

Responding To The Call Of Duty
However, it appears to be a difficult work of this type. We believe it depends on what responsibility you have. A funeral director is definitely sure to deal with a lot more than someone in a lower position in the business. In any case, it’s a topic that few people think about.
The Frequently Requests Made
Families frequently ask a lot of questions and make a bunch of requests to funeral directors. What types and weirdness of the requests funeral directors see most often reveals just how little people actually know and understand realities about how the funeral industry works.

The Frequently Requests Made
That is clear just by glancing at these queries and requests. But, after all, who can blame anyone for not knowing such things? Everyone is clueless about areas of knowledge in which they have little or no experience.
Confronting Preconceptions
There are stereotypes linked with every career. Naturally, funeral directors and other industry insiders are subjected to these misconceptions as well. However, you might be shocked to learn about the most common preconceptions they deal with.

Confronting Preconceptions
One would somehow imagine that those who work in the funeral industry make a lot of money, but this isn’t always the truth. Even those who are at the top aren’t always making the most money, according to the guy who posted this message, who is a funeral director himself.
Are You Like “Ghost-Whisperers”?
When it pertains to frequently asked questions, it appears that funeral directors are regularly inquired about ghosts. If you believe in such things, we suppose it’s reasonable to ask someone who deals and works with the deceased on a regular basis.

Are You Like Ghost Whisperers
This funeral director, on the other hand, doesn’t believe in such and has not seen anything to sway him otherwise. However, the major issue here is how often this question appears to be asked of him. Some people are simply intrigued.
So How Is That Different?
We’ve been referring to all of these individuals working in the funeral industry in a broad sense, due to the fact that we aren’t really experts ourselves. As a result, it wouldn’t really be unexpected if you were puzzled about the distinction between funeral directors and morticians.

So How Is That Different
Well, this person has explained and clarified the issue for all of us, allowing us to understand the differences between these careers. Of course, things appear to be a little more complicated than we had anticipated, but it surely is better than nothing.
Some Things Are Just Constant
When it comes to high-stress occupations and offices, it’s normal to expect that the amount of tension you experience will slowly diminish over time. However, some parts of stressful work will always be stressful, even after many years have passed.

Some Things Are Just Constant
Working in the funeral industry is one of those jobs that come with a lot of stress in its nature, and according to one director, that stress will never go away, even if you get used to it. So, I suppose we now know.
It’s A Back-Aching Career
Working in the mortuary industry is far more time-consuming and stressful than many outsiders closely realize. The topic of this article is whether or not working in the funeral industry is so demanding that it has an impact on family life: the answer is a definite yes.

Its A Back Aching Career
However, we aren’t surprised in the least. To be very honest, any profession that requires you to be on call for most of the week is going to be a major roadblock to having a regular family life. This is something that almost everyone should be aware of.
As Long As It Works
If you ever decide to be cremated, you’ll definitely need to choose an urn to hold your ashes. A lot of people choose gorgeous and luxurious urns, but a lot of people also choose silly or amusing urns. After all, why not have an urn that shows and reflects your personality?

As Long As It Works
Because she liked to bake, this woman (or her children, we can’t tell) opted to be kept in a Pillsbury Doughboy Cookie Jar. That seems maybe like an odd item to base her entire identity on, but then again, it wasn’t our mother, so who are we to really question it?
Re-use, Reduce, Recycle
The matter at hand is whether a hip replacement should be removed from a body before bringing it to be cremated. Of course, the answer is an obvious no. That said, it’s not as straightforward and as simple as that, as a lot about it hinges on a few important information and elements of the deceased’s treatment.

Re Use Reduce Recycle
If cremation is planned, anything like a hip replacement may be retrieved, as shown in this individual’s response. What will happen to it is entirely dependent on whether or not the family expressed anything explicit about it.
Remaking Them Will Be Easy
If you have decided that you’re having an open-casket funeral, it’s desirable to bring the loved one back to some sense of familiarity. However, what if they have a skin problem like freckles or vitiligo? Is it possible for the funeral worker to restore even that?

Remaking Them Will Be Easy
According to these workers, it is something they can do and attempt to accomplish. However, it is not something that is expressly taught in schools. It’s fascinating to learn what mortuary science is capable of, and it’s comforting to know they’d bother.
Music Lives With All Work
You might be wondering if those who work in the funeral industry are allowed to listen to music while working with the deceased, in the same way, that a janitor can enjoy music while cleaning. They are supposedly free to listen to whatever they want while in the prep area.

Music Lives With All Work
They also appear to have their own mascara application style. Of course, we’re ready to guess that’s a personal preference and that has nothing to do with any formal approach or academically taught the method of doing things.
Not Part Of The Job Description
Funeral directors, quite surprisingly, do not always have to deal directly with the deceased. Many of them, in fact, don’t deal with the dead at all, claiming to have gone months or even years without even seeing a departed person’s body. It does, however, make sense.

Not Part Of The Job Description
After all, the majority of what the big-shot employees at the top of any corporation do has to do mainly with logistics managing and paper-pushing. They are unlikely to be Hands-on in most of the heavy lifting that occurs at the base of the totem pole.
It’s Like Using Cheat-Codes
We’re all aware that folks working in the funeral industry are responsible for making the deceased look appealing for an open casket funeral. However, the method by which they accomplish this isn’t always what one would assume. They have a few tricks up their sleeves and that this skill is taught in mortuary school.

Its Like Using Cheat Codes
Do you want to achieve that rosy glow? Simply utilize rose lights. Of course, we’re sure they do a lot more, but we can’t help but wonder how much of a difference this simple technique makes. How much of the hard work is it really?
Spooking Those Next In Line
When newcomers arrive, there is a natural tendency, as in any profession, to spook and welcome them. Those in the funeral profession, of course, are no exception. They, too, engage in such behavior. And they do it, naturally of course, by springing out from a coffin!

Spooking Those Next In Line
It appears to happen quite often, which we don’t find surprising at all. And besides, hiding inside a coffin and jumping out is a classic trick that anyone in the industry (or even outside) would think of, and who could try to resist that?
Connections With Other Professions
You may tend to believe that funerals are mostly handled by professionals of the funeral industry, but there are a number of other people from various industries to consider. It’s not really surprising, given how much effort goes into funerals and other similar events.

Connections With Other Professions
After all, most funeral directors and their colleagues are unlikely to know how to accomplish everything that goes into making a body appealing. As a result, the reality that they must rely on other professionals of other fields to assist them to attain their objectives sounds reasonable to us.
Not Always About The Profit
As we said above, the funeral industry is a business, and as such, profit and deals are a high priority. That is not to say that funeral directors aren’t concerned about bereaved families. You may have your questions about this truth from time to time, but they essentially and really do want the best for your family.

Not Always About The Profit
Furthermore, it’s probably a good idea to believe what a funeral director advises. After all, they have the know-how, and competence in the subject, so trusting them when they say things will be a specific way is probably a good idea.
A Rarely Accounted Detail
Have you ever been curious why some people’s bodies change faster than others? After all, isn’t it true that the deceased, by nature, is no longer alive? Why does one person decay quicker than another? This person was asked a similar question, and their response is instructive.

A Rarely Accounted Detail
When you think about it, bacteria are the ones responsible for breaking things down in the first place. So, if someone had more bacteria on them when they died compared to someone, it makes sense that they would change physically faster.
Another Level Of Low-Budget
Funerals aren’t cheap, as we’ve mentioned and talked about a bit before, especially if you wish to do extra things or have particular requests or requirements. On Reddit, funeral professionals responded to a question about the cheapest way to be buried.

Another Level Of Low Budget
To be honest, it seems rather obvious: no casket, no special equipment, nothing save from having your body buried directly in the dirt. That does appear to be the most cost-effective approach. We can’t say that reality has surprised us at all.
Down The Drain
It may surprise you to learn that all of the fluids used in caring for a deceased are simply poured down the drain like anything else. There’s no need for special disposal or biohazard warnings; simply down the drain like washing your hands.

Down The Drain
We sincerely hope that this is not the case for those who died as a result of communicable diseases or other causes. It just doesn’t feel to be very safe. But what do we actually know? A lot of nasty stuff undoubtedly already finds its way into sewers and waterways.
Ignorance Is Sometimes A Bliss
When bodies are presented for an open casket funeral, they are expected to appear lovely, but there are a lot of interesting things that go into making that expectation happen. Some of these things would be better off if the general public didn’t know about them, but you’re here, aren’t you?

Ignorance Is Sometimes A Bliss
To ensure that awful things don’t happen at an open casket, or at any other time, those in the funeral industry must do things like this, which are a little unsettling to ponder. However, it is what it is.
Don’t Be A Christmas Downer
Have you ever considered why some folks are actually prepared to postpone a funeral? Holidays, it appears, are a key factor behind this. Some people would prefer to postpone a funeral than have a less jolly Christmas season that year. Granted, we can understand why someone would do something like that.

Do Not Be A Christmas Downer
After all, while you shouldn’t disregard the death of a loved one, you should also need to be careful that it doesn’t disrupt a season when people are supposed to be thinking good thoughts and doing good things. Still, we imagine that each family’s situation is unique.
Doing The Best Out Of It
You have to be very careful while making and telling jokes about death. A variety of people make dark jokes for a variety of reasons, and we can’t blame people in the funeral industry for trying to make the best of their circumstances.

Doing The Best Out Of It
After all, if you have a job that is potentially gloomy and stressful, you must discover ways to make it more light and bearable. That’s why we don’t think jokes like this are that bad or offensive. Of course, the families may not feel the same.