40+ Crazy Notes Written On Shopping Receipts

Published on 03/15/2022
40 Plus Crazy Notes Written On Shopping Receipts

40 Plus Crazy Notes Written On Shopping Receipts

Whenever you pay for something, you’ll usually get a slip of paper that lists what you bought and how much you paid for it. Pretty normal, right? Well, sometimes the people at checkout take the opportunity to get creative and add a joke, or protest something. Other times it’s the customers who use the slip to have the last say! Either way, there are laughs to be had, so stick around and check these out.

I Beg Your Pardon

I Beg Your Pardon

Uppity diners are a nightmare. You can give them excellent first-class service and they’d still complain about something. That’s why we half expected to see this note they left. If their waiter “got a real job”, who’d bring these people their food? It just shows how little thought these entitled eaters put into their little comment. If I were the manager I wouldn’t ban them, but next time they’d have to get their own plates.

Thanks For The Info

Look out, we got a high roller here! If this guy had the guts to say this to our face, we’d probably laugh at him. If he’s so high and mighty, why’s he trying to impress and insult a waiter?

Thanks For The Info

Thanks For The Info

We also don’t know what he’s even getting at. Should the restaurant pay him to eat there? People like this are better off, ironically enough, going to some fast food joint where it’s over fast.

Need A Calculator?

We know the feeling, to be fair. “Mathing” is pretty difficult. That said, being unable to “math” doesn’t mean you don’t have to leave a tip. Everyone’s got a calculator in their phone, or heck, the waiter would have worked it out if it meant they got the tip.

Need A Calculator

Need A Calculator

We can’t figure out which is worse, failing a simple sum, or using it as an excuse to be a cheapskate. Some people, I tell ya.

Fresh Bought “Pi”

What does this customer mean? Why did they write the symbol for Pi on the slip? Is it their way of dodging a tip, or do they mean that the tip is $3.14? We may never know, but perhaps it was some coded message. Perhaps the waiter was actually a sleeper agent and this was their signal to activate.

Fresh Bought Pi

Fresh Bought Pi

Perhaps we should move on before anyone notices. If anyone asks, we didn’t see anything.

Wrong Wrong Wrong

Whoa! A $40 tip?! That’s super generous, we can’t believe… hey. Wait a minute! This is totally wrong! This customer was about $20 off the mark! It doesn’t take a genius to figure this one out, but maybe Mr. G was in a hurry, or math just isn’t his strong suit.

Wrong Wrong Wrong

Wrong Wrong Wrong

I guess at least he had good intentions. Still, that doesn’t make up for being out $20. Maybe he’ll square it up next time.

That’s An F

More disrespect to the waiters. People really feel like they can just walk all over everyone. We can understand being disappointed by bad service, but you don’t have to make things personal.

Thats An F

Thats An F

Not only is it plain mean, but it makes the person who left the note look terrible. Service can be up or down depending on how a waiter is feeling, but being rude is a character trait. Remember to think before you write…

Work It Out

This time it’s the waiter who was trying to stiff the customer and added a couple of extra dollars onto the tip. Good thing this customer, unlike others we’ve seen, knew math and caught on. Although there is a chance that the waiter was bad at math and didn’t intend on this. Innocent until proven guilty, right?

Work It Out

Work It Out

We at least hope the meal was worth the trouble of the no doubt awkward conversation that followed.

Gee Thanks

What’s worse than no tip at all? A teeny tiny insulting tip. In this case just one red one cent. We’re not sure if this person was playing a prank or just being plain rude. If it’s a protest tip, we have to say, it doesn’t seem very effective.

Gee Thanks

Gee Thanks

Maybe take it up with the manager, pal. Here’s a remix of an old saying—if you’re got nothing good to tip, rather tip nothing at all.

Hurry It Up

Normally it’s the waiters that get into trouble, but luckily for them, this time it was the cooks getting the heat. The diner believes that the cooks didn’t work fast enough for their liking. Fair enough, but the insulting two-cent tip just hurt the poor waiter.

Hurry It Up

Hurry It Up

This is another case in which the problem should have been taken to the manager. It seems even when they do everything just right, waiters bear the cruel punishment.

Hey Not Bad

This one isn’t mean. In fact, it’s quite the opposite. This diner provided a huge tip of exactly 30%, $28, and 1c. We’re just not quite sure what the Almighty has to do with anything. Maybe it was a Sunday and the diner felt inspired by that morning’s church sermon.

Hey Not Bad

Hey Not Bad

Either way, we’re glad everything worked out alright this time. As bad as people can be, there are some pretty nice ones out there too.

Wanna Go Out?

Here’s another sweet one. Now we don’t hit on people while they’re working, but it appears that this restaurant-goer just couldn’t help themselves. We do wonder about the Hebrew tattoo though. It kind of reminds us of Madonna.

Wanna Go Out

Wanna Go Out

She had a phase where she got a Hebrew tattoo if we recall correctly. Whatever the case may be, we hope that everything worked out for these two. It’s true what’s said, you can find love anywhere.

Happy Birthday To Us

Being kind on one’s special day takes a certain kind of selfless person. That’s what this awesome diner did. In honor of their 22nd birthday, they tipped the waitress $22 and thanked them for their amazing service.

Happy Birthday To Us

Happy Birthday To Us

This was very nice of them. It’s quite inspiring and does a lot to counterbalance all the mean examples we’ve seen in other entries on this list. See there is still some pure good in humanity after all.

Good Parenting

If you walk into a restaurant and there are a lot of kids present, we’ll forgive you for just walking out. They can be a nightmare. Luckily these diners raised their kids right and they were well behaved.

Good Parenting

Good Parenting

So well behaved in fact that the staff actually gave them a small discount. Looks like it pays to be a good parent in more ways than one! In this case, the staff actually tipped the diners.


We could hear this by just reading it. What a laugh. We do wonder what caused the staff to write this on the slip. Maybe they and the diners connected over their shared love of memes, but regardless it was a good way to end the exchange and left the customer leaving with a smile.



We certainly got a laugh out of it. Sometimes it’s the little things in life that make it worth it.

Are You Reading This?

Chuck Norris was a well-known action film star, but nowadays he’s more popular for the meme surrounding “Chuck Norris” jokes. They were funny for a while but people got bored of them eventually and now they’re sort of ironic.

Are You Reading This

Are You Reading This

The one included on the slip is an example of this. The server appears to have typed it out along with a thought about whether anyone actually reads them. The answer is yes, we certainly do.

Um, What Was That?

We’re not sure what happened here. Looks like someone got into an argument about the speed at which the milk was served. The waiter responded by pointing out they don’t make milk… yet.

Um What Was That

Um What Was That

We’re not sure what this means, but maybe the waiter was just being sarcastic. Definitely one of the stranger incidents on this list. We can only be left to wonder what really went on here. Ah well, onto the next one then.

Practical Advice

This “nice” customer left a “tip” for the server. The “tip” being don’t stare into the sun. Very funny, buddy. This isn’t all too uncommon an occurrence, more than a few would-be comedians have taken a liberal interpretation of what “tip” means on a bill slip.

Practical Advice

Practical Advice

We’ll with an attitude like that they can “see” themselves to the door and hopefully never come back. No one likes a smart aleck. Next time just leave already.

Over The Limit

It appears someone had a very good birthday. The “birthday girl” passed out. She must have been ordering birthday-sized drinks. We hope she wasn’t driving though, but something tells us she wasn’t as it was her special day.

Over The Limit

Over The Limit

On the flip side, we hope that they left the server a big tip. Dealing with drunk customers is thankless work, and so a couple of extra dollars would certainly go a long way in that regard.

Save Yourself

If you were in a restaurant and a fire broke out, if you managed to get out, you’d have gotten yourself a free meal. Luck was on everyone’s side that day it appears because the place was obviously in good enough shape to print bills.

Save Yourself

Save Yourself

For all the trouble customers got a little “fire” discount. As long as no one was hurt, we’d welcome a small fire at our next meal for a nice discount.

An Eye For Detail

This server made a tiny mistake. Quite insignificant to the point no one would have even noticed. Still, they felt compelled to make it right. Even if it was only a 1c difference.

An Eye For Detail

An Eye For Detail

If you think about it, perhaps the restaurant ran a tight ship, and perhaps a single cent would have been noticed, but the desperation also means that they’re probably a little hard on their staff. Want to give the inspector a call?

Birthday Burger

This is an odd one. We’re not sure what to make of it. Why was George naked. Was the restaurant running a promotion where if you showed up in your birthday suit you get a free burger? The health inspector would have had a fit.

Birthday Burger

Birthday Burger

Either way, George seems to have made off well with a free burger. It seems everyone had a good time. Well, at least the cops didn’t have to get involved.

Pick A Number

This is a fun one. The waiter was told to pick a number between 1 and 10 but wasn’t told why. When the bill came they learned that the diners were taking that number and adding a zero to it, and making that a tip.

Pick A Number

Pick A Number

For that, the waiter was given a huge $70 tip! The diner pointed out that they should have chosen 10. That would have given them $100! What a great prize!

Nice Try

Haikus appear simple, but they are deceptively complex. It’s not just about the structure, they need to make sense and be beautiful too. They’re supposed to contain a deep thought-provoking message. This one doesn’t… or does it?

Nice Try

Nice Try

After all, it got us to begin thinking about the nature of haikus. The writer was either a genius or just got lucky. Either way, we hope they got a tip, it looks like the bill was hefty.

Laying It On

Most times it’s the customer hitting on their server, but this time it was the opposite. This server really liked their customer, and so gave them a small discount for each thing they liked about them.

Laying It On

Laying It On

We’re not sure what their relationship was like, maybe they were actually friends. Still, it’s probably a better idea to write your number on the slip. Of course, there’s always the chance you’ll be looking for a new job.

Lady Gaga’s Side Hustle

We thought being an international star paid well, but it looks like Lady Gaga moonlights as a server… maybe she’s researching an acting role. We’re just kidding!

Lady Gagas Side Hustle

Lady Gagas Side Hustle

It’s more than likely that this server is a fan who wants to honor her, or perhaps it was just a placeholder name on the software and the restaurant didn’t bother to update it. Either way, we bet the customer had to keep a “pokerface” when reading it.

Red Pilled

The Matrix is one of the best films of the last generation. There’s no questioning that. One of the main points of the film is that the hero Neo is trapped in the Matrix and has to wake up.

Red Pilled

Red Pilled

This slip was actually given to him in the film in order to try and let him know what was going on. We cheated a little bit by including this one, but hey, it technically counts!

Hot Hot Hot

This is definitely something that they accidentally included on the slip. The waiter obviously gave the chef instructions, but the instructions were written down as a special request on the slip.

Hot Hot Hot

Hot Hot Hot

Whoops! Still, hopefully, the diners got a laugh out of it and didn’t take offense. The restaurant was doing it for their benefit after all. We actually had this happen to us once, believe it or not, but we specifically requested it is mild…

Good Luck Mama

Being a mother is a lot of tough work. In the run-up to having a child, there are a lot of physical challenges. After the child is born, it becomes even harder. Sometimes the greatest acts of kindness are comprised of some simple compassion.

Good Luck Mama

Good Luck Mama

That’s what happened here. After the meal the server wished the mother to be good luck in the future. That’s quite sweet and I’m sure it brightened her day right up.

Watch Out

They just wanted some cheese, but it appears they got more than they bargained for when they were warned of ninjas in the parking lot! Why were the ninjas there? We may never know.

Watch Out

Watch Out

Perhaps they were from a rival deli sent to scare away customers, or maybe they were on a secret mission. Either way, we’re sure the customers got away unharmed, they did take this photo after all… or maybe the ninjas did.

Wubba Wubba

Who doesn’t love Pac-Man? This customer decided to add the hungry little dot to their slip. Why? We have no idea, but it appears they left a tip of an unspecified amount in cash.

Wubba Wubba

Wubba Wubba

That’s not how it’s supposed to work, but it does mean the server can keep it a secret. If it’s the type of restaurant that pools tips and shares them, they may be able to get away with a little extra.

Very Awkward

This is really awkward and a good lesson on why you shouldn’t comment on a possible pregnancy unless the person themselves mentions it. It appears the server implied this customer was, but they in fact weren’t, and let the server know about it.

Very Awkward

Very Awkward

We bet they got a talking to after that. Still, we’re sure they meant no harm, but it really is better to keep such comments to one’s self. A lesson was learned.

Sun Is Out

Compliments are cool, even if it’s a waiter or waitress giving them out. In this case, someone thought that someone else had a great tan. We’d don’t actually know whether it was the server or the customer leaving the comment, but it was still it was a nice thought.

Sun Is Out

Sun Is Out

Tans take a lot of work and they can be painful if your method isn’t perfect. What a fun exchange. Here’s looking forward to the summer.

Okay Calm Down, Buddy

Mitch Hedberg is a real internet legend. His donut rant is famous, or rather infamous, online. Truth be told, we totally agree with him. Anything that can be had for less than three dollars doesn’t need a till slip. You might say well some people might need them for tax.

Okay Calm Down Buddy

Okay Calm Down Buddy

Fair enough, but then meet at halfway and make it so one is only printed if the customer asks. That way everyone will be happy.

Wanna Buy A Wife?

We know that they say you can buy absolutely anything at Target but come on! A wife? We have no idea what this means, and she’s apparently only four bucks?

Wanna Buy A Wife

Wanna Buy A Wife

The mail-order bride industry is going to be out of business pretty soon at this rate. We wonder what else you can buy there. Perhaps a dog, and a house with a white picket fence? Maybe you can get a whole life for under $20.

Help The Kitties

Here’s another one that left us scratching our heads, and it’s all about our favorite little post scratchers. Maybe this was some charity thing? Or perhaps just a cute little saying. Either way, it left us feeling all warm and fuzzy inside.

Help The Kitties

Help The Kitties

This is definitely a social movement we can get on board with. Follow along as we chant for the kittens to make sure the billions of them on this planet get their mittens.

But I Won’t Do That

Meatloaf is a much-loved rock superstar who sadly passed away recently. While this seems like another Lady Gaga situation, we admit that we’re quite intrigued by this one. Although perhaps this slip doesn’t refer to the rock ‘n roller at all and is instead talking about the food.

But I Wont Do That

But I Wont Do That

Does this restaurant have a sentient hunk of cooked meat serving the customers? We’ll pass on this discount creepypasta, thanks. Save it for someone over on Reddit.

You Get What You Pay For

Nothing in life is free. That’s the old saying, right? Well, it seems it isn’t true, because this person was charged $50 for it! What’s up with that. This is highway robbery or rather storeside robbery!

You Get What You Pay For

You Get What You Pay For

We hope this customer checked the slip before they left the store, otherwise, they would be getting exactly what they paid for… Nothing. We must admit it is a clever racket because technically the customer’s receipt is actually accurate.

Mamma Mia!

Oh boy oh boy it was certainly this server’s lucky day. They got a $1000 tip for a holiday to Italy! They must have mentioned to their customer that they were saving up for a trip, and the loaded diner decided to make their dream come true quickly with a big tip!

Mamma Mia

Mamma Mia

We bet that it was unexpectedly their last week on the job and that they were soon in Italy snacking on hot pizza!

The Cake Is Real

It appears that there are good customers out there. These customers, like us, enjoy a good cake. They love cake so much in fact that they’ll be blogging about it when they get home.

The Cake Is Real

The Cake Is Real

A tip is great, but exposure and a wave of new customers are even better because that means more tips. This must have been a really good cake. All this talk about cake is giving us a craving for a treat…

A Helping Hand

Kindness can be rare, but when it’s given it can mean the world to someone. This customer was once a server themselves, and so they know how difficult it can be.

A Helping Hand

A Helping Hand

That’s why they left a massive tip of $100. Instead of being angry at their old customers, this one decided to be the change they wanted to see in the world, and that is the essence of paying it forward. We humbly salute them.

Um, Excuse Me?

This is a very bizarre one indeed. We honestly do not know what to make of it. Is the cashier calling themselves hot? Is it one of the other cashiers flirting with a coworker through the till slip? No matter the case, we’re going to file this one in the “inappropriate” box.

Um Excuse Me

Um Excuse Me

We’re not sure what the goal was exactly but we hope it worked out. Let’s move on to the next one, shall we?

What Kind Of Store Is This?

It appears that someone bought… cat pee. What kind of store are they running? Why are they selling cat pee, and more importantly why is anyone buying it?

What Kind Of Store Is This

What Kind Of Store Is This

There’s even mention of a bottle deposit, which means it’s in glass… wait a minute, is “Cats Pee” the name of some new hipster craft beer? Now it all makes sense. We were worried for a minute. Let’s really hope it tastes better than its weird namesake.

The Lord

Someone is feeling the fervor! Someone is feeling the great fire within! This restaurant is making absolutely no attempt to hide its religious faith! While we think it’s unnecessary, we respect it, but we do have to wonder how nonreligious, or folks of another faith felt about this.

The Lord

The Lord

We guess it’s inoffensive enough, and if worst came to worst, they could just go eat somewhere else, right? There are plenty of other options out there.


Oh gross. Do you see that? That item on the slip? Just above the mozzarella sticks? We’re not going to say it, but oh boy we wonder what was going on here. A glitch in the system? A practical joke?



We’ll never know and to be frank, we don’t want to. We’re going to be taking a much closer look at our till slips from now on, and maybe you should do the same alright…

Environmental Tax

We’ve heard of taking liberties, but this is a new one. So the customer brought some sunglasses, that makes sense. Here’s the kicker though, Tesco charged them 25c for the sun!

Environmental Tax

Environmental Tax

That’s right, it appears that on top of the charge for the sunglasses, Tesco was charging a quarter for the bit of sun they’d be testing their new glasses on as they left the store. We thought the best things in life were free.