Your miles are an essential feature of your travel and vacation, as it can help you to achieve a lot. Over the years, people have been using their points acquired through their cards, booking, and traveling to gain some advantages offered by the issuing company. As such, when you are planning your next vacation, you may want to consider contacting your card issuer to learn of the features you can gain from using the points. For the most part, you can use your points to achieve the following and more…

How To Take Advantage Of Your Miles
Car Rental
Having a chauffeur service can be a bit expensive as you may have to pay extra for the car, gas, and the driver’s assistance. However, renting a car will be cheaper as you may only be required to pay for the car service and gas. If you have been gathering your points throughout the year, you may realize your card-issuing bank offered car rental service as a redeemable option for your points. As such, you can go through the list of car rental lists they may have and see which one can be achieved from the number of miles you have. Also, you can check around for the different car rental locations and check which may offer you to redeem a rental service through your miles.
Fly for Free
This is one of the most widely used advantages of miles as a lot of people tend to save up so they can redeem for flight costs. A lot of banks, purchasing and booking sites offer customers the chance to achieve points with each paid action they conduct. Once enough has been gathered, you may be able to utilize it to purchase a flight ticket or use it to subsidize the cost of your ticket. After all, who wouldn’t want to use their cards for all their paid actions to fly free by the time their vacation is due.
Get a Hotel Room
Hotels can be a little bit expensive in some areas as well as depending on the time you are booking a room. As such, you may want to have those points on hand to help you get an affordable room with little to no cash out-of-pocket. Check around the area to see which hotel offers this option or if there is a list offered by the miles-giver.

Get A Hotel Room
Upgrade Your Seat
You want to know you have a comfortable seat on your flight, and the best way to do this is by using your miles to upgrade the one you already have. Depending on the class you book your flight in, you may have the advantage of upgrading to a better seat. The points through the booking agency will be redeemed for cash, which you can automatically add to your account.
Check-in an Extra Bag
You may have gone around while on vacation and purchased a few souvenirs you don’t want to leave behind. But when you think about the cost of the extra baggage, it can be a big turn-off. However, having some extra points can go a far way as it may help you to clear the extra bag you have on hand. Also, you can use the points to clear your overweight when going through the checking area.
It’s your advantage, so use it!