Tourism refers to people who stay outside of their locals for less than a year for leisure, business, or other reasons. Tourism and travel have existed since the dawn of humanity. It is critical for advancing prosperity and empowering women, youth, and different segments of society. The benefits of travel and tourism go beyond their direct effects on GDP and employment; they also include indirect benefits such as supply chain connections to other industries and induced impacts.

Some Places Struggling Tourisms
Tourism And Economy
The tourism industry contributes to economic growth. In another way, there is a significant correlation between tourism and economic development, which supports the expansion of other connected sectors in a country. However, tourism is a sensitive business that has experienced a decline due to possible threats such as worldwide pandemics. The COVID-19 epidemic has had substantial and extensive consequences for various economic sectors, including tourism.
The Impact Of COVID-19
The tourism and hospitality (including hotels and restaurants) sectors have been universally recognized as a growth engine for socio-economic growth; the tourism and hospitality sectors bring wealth and fortunes to cities and countries. Local folks are also employed in tourism and hospitality. India has figured out how to earn from this industry. Today’s tourism and hotel business in India generates billions of dollars in revenue each year. The first incidence of the deadly Coronavirus (COVID-19) was reported in Wuhan, Hubei, China, on December 31, 2019. (World Health Organization, 2020). The lethal virus spread over the globe, creating an unclear and chaotic environment. The Sultanate of India became a victim of the pandemic as it swept over the world. To lessen the consequences of the pandemic, the government declared a lockdown, which was then extended zone by zone based on the severity of COVID-19 cases.
Many firms were entirely shut down, and a strict rule was imposed for conducting economic activities in only certain areas, including the tourism and hotel industry. Many industries have been adversely affected, but the COVID-19 has particularly badly hit the tourist and hotel business. In hotels, motels, guesthouses, travel booking agents, tour operators, event management firms, restaurants, cafés, and other tourist-related activities, the Indian tourism and hospitality industry continues to be suffocated. The economic impact of COVID-19 on Indian tourism has resulted in increased unemployment, lower consumer purchasing power, and a generation of low-income people. Similarly, the economic and social impact on the owners’ ability to keep their firm afloat was astonishing. In 2018, the Indian tourism industry contributed 9.2 percent of the country’s GDP and employed 42.673 million people, accounting for 8.1 percent of the country’s entire workforce. The Indian tourist and hotel industry is now bracing itself for a possible job loss of 38 million people. Governments worldwide attempt to get visitors from both domestic and international markets to return. People’s faith and confidence in travel and tourism companies will have to be rebuilt to travel again in India during the recovery period.

The Impact Of COVID 19
Long-Term Solutions To The Covid-19 Dilemma Are Needed
Long-term measures that heal the sector from the inside out establish an innate resilience to combat future crises of this nature and build the ability to recover as quickly as feasible.
With the repercussions and effects of the Coronavirus epidemic in many nations coming to a halt, the primary goal of all stakeholders locally, state-wide, nationally, and globally will be to restore tourist confidence in India. Government officials and private players should quietly highlight this newfound reputation to promote our tourism and hospitality industries.
Overall, different destinations require rebranding in this challenging time of crisis, as well as a look into the most affected states with economic assistance from government authorities, as well as a glimpse into the positive elements during COVID-19 with news and a robust and widespread policy for the use of social media.