Going on vacation is an indulgence that many don’t get to experience because of their busy schedule or lack of funds. So when you have the chance to leave work and other obligations behind for a few days, you want to make sure that every moment spent is worth it. Here are some do’s and don’ts that you need to know while you’re on vacation.

Do And Not Do On Vacation
Do: Head To The Gym
Just because you’re on vacation doesn’t mean your workout sessions need to be too. Many hotels have in-house gyms that are free to paying guests, and some hostels have a few gym equipments available within their facilities. Why it’s so important to hit the gym while on vacation? For starters, it will help with jetlag. If you have traveled across the globe, then the time difference might have made your day upside down — literally. Working out can help release any tension and extra energy just in time for bedtime. If you have been regularly going to the gym at home, then doing so while on vacation will help with consistency. Some people find it hard to get back into the groove if they don’t follow their regular schedule.
You don’t need to follow your usual workout routine while you’re away. You can just hit the treadmill or do a few sets of weight. Ask the hotel if they offer yoga classes for a more relaxed workout. A general rule of thumb is that you should listen to your body and decide if you can handle the workout. The last thing you want to spend the rest of your vacation with sore muscles.
Don’t: Go To The Spa
While going to the spa might sound like a good idea (after all, you want to relax), it’s best to avoid it while you’re on vacation. Spas are expensive (especially ones that are in the hotel) and will take up a lot of your time. Not only are you going to pay for the use of the facilities, but you’ll have to tip the attendant and masseuse too. Aside from this, there is also the issue of hygiene and cleanliness within the facilities. Spas generally require people to be partly naked or even go all out bare. The time frame between the last guest and you is too short for an attendant to fully clean and disinfect the area

Dont Go To The Spa
Do: Eat Local Cuisine
You’re on vacation; avoid going to familiar fast-food joints like McDonald’s. Do a bit of research and instead go to a restaurant that offers quality local cuisine. Strike up a conversation with your hotel attendant and ask if they could recommend a place. This is the only time you can experience local food in its natural glory; go ahead and eat!
Don’t: Count Calories
This is why hitting the gym is important: you don’t have to count calories whenever you eat out! It will be really annoying to limit your intake of delicious local food just because you’ve already hit your calorie target for the day. Besides, how are you supposed to know how many calories that samosa is?
Do: Tour The City
If this is your first time to visit the city, it’s best to join a paid group tour with an experienced tour guide first. Usually, these paid tours will get you to popular tourist spots. Part of the package is that you’ve already paid for entrance fees to these places and the tour agency most likely has a special arrangement with the location. Paid tours usually last for a few hours and during your free time you can go off on your own. Ask your tour guide for other places to visit that aren’t part of the tour. Make sure to use public transportation, such as the city bus, and avoid using taxis to minimize spending.
Dont: Bring Work On Vacation
Before leaving, inform your team or boss that you will be offline while you’re on vacation. The last thing you want to do is think about a report while you’re admiring a piece of art at a museum. Work will distract you from what’s going on around you and let’s admit it — it will defeat the purpose of going on vacation in the first place!