The Handstand Gone Wrong
We’re not about to enter the gymnastics competition in the Olympics anytime soon, we can surely spot a handstand fail from a mile away. Although it’s always fun to be bouncing and jumping around on the soft sand of the beach, it can also go wrong. Very wrong. We hope that this poor woman didn’t end up with any broken bones after this trapeze experiment went wrong. Hopefully, the other woman in the shot was able to help her get back up again quickly.

The Handstand Gone Wrong
Devoid of Logic
Although this one is technically a road picture, it counts because we’re pretty sure that the people involved were on their way towards a day of fun in the sun. Pity, it didn’t start out as well as they had hoped. We’re sure that the insurance company had a field day with this case, which probably included a claim for both pieces of precious machinery. A devastating day for the man of the house, that’s for sure.

Devoid Of Logic