Easy Does It
People will generally regard a bear encounter in the wild as a very real threat, and despite their selfless rescue efforts, the fishermen were well aware of nature and had real fear in their hearts too. Once they managed to rescue the bears, they would need to find a way to ease their anxiety. This was where the second half of their impromptu plan came into effect. They came in peace, but whether the bears knew that was a different story.

Easy Does It
Just raising one of these bears a few inches at a time was backbreaking work. You have seen pictures and videos of these enormous furry beasts and can estimate that they weigh several hundred pounds, even as adolescents. Despite their youth, the cubs felt like anchors. To add to their already heavy loads, the cubs’ thick furs were loaded with water. It started to dawn on the rescuers that this may be a completely futile effort, but that didn’t stop them from giving it their all!
