When This Mama Bear Abandoned Her Cubs To Their Watery Graves, Some Mysterious Rescuers Appeared

Published on 11/10/2020

The Unlikely Friendship

When the fishermen made sure that their new friends had been securely dropped off, they suddenly appreciated their return to safety. And, they had an incredible video to show all their friends! It is so much better to watch a phenomenal event, rather than just hear some tall tale. But it was their relationships with the cubs which stood out most for them. Not all wild scenarios pan out like a family-friendly blockbuster, however, as you will soon find out with our next story. This hiker ran straight into the kind of situation that makes one wish they had just stayed home that day!

The Unlikely Friendship

The Unlikely Friendship


Stick To Your Morals

If you were worried that these fishermen were bound to meet a grizzly end in this last story, you are not alone. Wherever bears are found in the world, the local people hold much respect and fear for their ferocious tempers. This is the kind of rescue that happened in spite of that fearful reality. Not every rural adventure ends with a tear-jerking conclusion, however. This Californian hiker would experience the other end of the animal encounter experience, we’re afraid to say.

Stick To Your Morals

Stick To Your Morals