When This Mama Bear Abandoned Her Cubs To Their Watery Graves, Some Mysterious Rescuers Appeared

Published on 11/10/2020

Inhospitable Environment

It’s also important that you understand just how severe the conditions that our friends found themselves in were. Within the northwestern region of Mother Russia, there is a huge body of water called Lake Vygozero. Visitors will experience extreme temperatures of -4 degrees Fahrenheit on a bad day. Unless you happen to be accustomed to such ferocious cold conditions, such an environment can be lethal for most animals and humans.

Inhospitable Environment

Inhospitable Environment


Living Dangerously

It’s now time to clear up the small details of our tale. This story was set into motion with a mama bear approaching Lake Vygozero with her cubs with no other option but to struggle their way through it. Both the small human and animal population of the lake’s surrounding area know that this is a harsh region to live in. Regardless, this bear seemed to think that she and her babies were ready for action, but this faith would lead to terrible consequences.

Living Dangerously

Living Dangerously