An Unexpected Encounter between Red-Hatted Texans and D.C. Waitress that had Shocking Results

Published on 07/09/2020

It was a busy weekend anyway, with some major events occurring in the city, and most of which were highly charged emotionally for many people in one way or another. Rosalynd was on her shift at the Busboys and Poets rushing around serving tables, when a group of young men walked in looking to sit down. They were not the typical clientele of the place and heads turned to look at them, wondering what they were doing there… Rosalynd didn’t know what to think.

Texan Cowboys With Make America Great Again Hats Frighten Waitress With Their Crazy Requests

An Unexpected Encounter between Red-Hatted Texans and D.C. Waitress that had Shocking Results


Rosalynd Harris, in her mid-twenties, works in a restaurant waitressing, an occupation with which she juggles another job, as well as being a professional dancer, while paying her various bills, which include tuition fees. When she saw who walked into the establishment, she felt a rush of anxiety hoping that they were not there looking for trouble…



Shocking Behavior

In time, Rosalynd would come to find her initial judgment completely shaken when she discovered something incredible waiting for her at the table where they were seated. Her jaw dropped!

Shocking Behavior

Shocking Behavior

Communal Efforts

Rosalynd is not defined by her low-paying position. This is a multitalented woman who has a strong commitment to social justice, and it shows in how the walls of Busboys and Poets are coated with the dedication to minority heroes.

Communal Efforts

Communal Efforts

The Washington DC Restaurant

This is the kind of joint whose atmosphere is one geared around fostering a sense of unity among its patrons, across all cultural backgrounds and political affiliations. The burly Texans donning suspicious caps appeared to have been invading that safe space, an entrance coincidental with a particularly chaotic period…

The Washington DC Restaurant

The Washington DC Restaurant

Finishing The Mission

At just 25, Rosalynd is also passionate about her skilled dancing career, using the money she earns from waiting tables to carry her through college. This is a tirelessly motivated woman who does not tolerate people messing with her customers.

Finishing The Mission

Finishing The Mission


To better understand why Rosalynd was so afraid we need to contextualize this story which transpired throughout one memorable weekend where two completely different processions clashed: President Donald Trump’s inauguration and the Women’s March.



Walk The Talk

Incredibly, both Rosalynd and the unwelcomed Texans attended these marches, the former attending the women’s march and the latter showing their support for their candidate’s victory.

Walk The Talk

Walk The Talk

Proving Your Worth

Rosalynd added her voice to the roughly half a million others which marched to demand their rights. When the iconic weekend ended, there were plenty of attendees who remained in Washington DC for several days. Jason White and his pals happened to be among the tourists.

Proving Your Worth

Proving Your Worth

Hanging Around

It was destiny that brought this jolly group of Texans into Rosalynd’s restaurant, where both sides would enjoy a rare opportunity to learn more about each other. It all started with the Texans inviting all manner of suspicious looks, especially from Rosalynd.

Hanging Around

Hanging Around

Judgement-Free Zone

The waitress instantly judged the tightknit procession as having ridden into town to attend the new president’s inauguration.

Judgement Free Zone

Judgement Free Zone

On The Money, Relatively

Despite having correctly guessed the nature and purpose of the Texas entourage, there was one mind-blowing quality which she had failed to pick up, one to do with judgment…

On The Money Relatively

On The Money Relatively

Cowboy Politics

It was true that Jason White’s entourage had made the long trip from Texas to Washington DC to help welcome in their new president of choice, elated by how many other supporters had attended. They were, of course, wearing their “Make America Great Again” hats, regardless of what some people thought…

Cowboy Politics

Cowboy Politics

Beyond Assumptions

Despite having confirmed two of Rosalynd’s assumptions, Jason would go on to prove himself to be so much deeper than just an infamous cap. His choice of accessories did not go down very well with the patrons of the restaurant in question, however.

Beyond Assumptions

Beyond Assumptions

Man Of The People

At nearly 40, Jason is highly committed to his large family and tight social circle. He also works as a dentist back in Texas. During his time in Washington DC, he spent a good portion of his time paying tribute to various important American sites in the capital city.

Man Of The People

Man Of The People

Take A Bow

The Texans would probably have blended in fine with the other restaurant customers were it not for the glaring red hats. Rosalynd kept quiet regarding her discomfort, but the dentist had the good sense to quietly ask his friends to remove the controversial caps throughout their stay at Busboys and Poets.

Take A Bow

Take A Bow


Jason recalled how he and his pals started drawing unwanted attention when they found their seats, “I told my friend, you need to take your hat off. I don’t want people to think we’re coming in here to flaunt…We’re just coming here to have lunch.”



Just Smile And Wave

Incredibly, Rosalynd served the Texans with more charm than usual, as she was riding on the natural high from the Women’s March. She smiled courteously at her customers while distributing menus to them, a gesture which the nervous Trump supporters greatly appreciated.

Just Smile And Wave

Just Smile And Wave

Easing Up

One could not have expected that such different people would soon be joking and laughing together. Rosalynd confessed that she quite quickly realized that Jason and his pals were Southerners, and he admitted that they had flown out from West Texas with a chuckle. They even bonded over their shared love for avocado!

Easing Up

Easing Up


Now that they were all friends, Jason felt comfortable asking Rosalynd about the setup at Busboy and Poets, one which these Southern folks had probably never experienced before. Rosalynd happily obliged their curiosity.



The Unique Joint

This restaurant’s naming had been dedicated to Langston Hughes, one of African Americans’ most celebrated authors and poets. Hughes worked as a busboy prior to attaining fame.

The Unique Joint

The Unique Joint


Following their conversation, Rosalynd allowed the Texans to indulge in their meals, believing that the friendly exchange had ended… but had it?




After completing their delicious meals and waving farewell to Rosalynd from a distance, Jason and company departed. Naturally, Rosalynd headed to their table to tidy up and pick up whatever tip had been provided. Incredibly, this would not be an ordinary “tip” for the vivacious waitress.

Jaw Dropping

Jaw Dropping

A Heartfelt Message

As Rosalynd bent down to collect the bill, she saw that someone had written on it. She immediately believed it was mindless doodles, but on closer inspection, she realized that a sincere note had been left behind.

A Heartfelt Message

A Heartfelt Message

Dear Rosalynd

The waitress was filled with curiosity as she began reading the note. She didn’t have to read much to realize that whoever had written the message had intended it for her. The subject was to do with the difference in their cultures and pressing opinions…

Dear Rosalynd

Dear Rosalynd

Sincere Words

The more Rosalynd read, the stronger her emotional reaction became. The message said that, “If everyone would share a kindness and smile like your beautiful smile, our country will come together as one,” written by Jason. “Not race. Not gender. Just American. God bless!”

Sincere Words

Sincere Words

The Unifying Quality

The waitress couldn’t believe what she was reading. That a simple smile could achieve so much! There was more to come, however!

The Unifying Quality

The Unifying Quality

Substantial Gratitude

As you can see from the photography, the cost of Jason and his two pal’s lunch was only $72.60, but the total came to $522.60, thanks to a sensational $450.00 tip left for Rosalynd! Waitresses very rarely receive large tips, but gratitude this incredible is almost never enjoyed!

Substantial Gratitude

Substantial Gratitude

45 Leaders

Jason’s tip’s amount was also symbolic, in that it represented his joy at seeing Trump become the 45th president and how he hopes that this inauguration will bring more people together across the United States.

45 Leaders

45 Leaders

Hidden Agenda

Jason’s act had been a private one. Regardless, he had been touched by all the incredible moments he had experienced beyond the election, such as the Women’s March and Rosalynd’s kindness.

Hidden Agenda

Hidden Agenda


Jason can recall appreciating all the incredible icons highlighted on the walls of Busboys and Poets as well as the presence of those leading the Women’s March. He considers all these special people as examples of America’s beauty and qualities.



Drawn Together

Jason’s life view is shaped by his strong Christian fate, and so he regarded everything he witnessed on that weekend as a blessing given by his wonderful country. Jason was also inspired by the timeless tradition he enjoyed at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, where the guards’ march continues unaffected by the politics of the time.

Drawn Together

Drawn Together


Such a notion led Jason to begin processing just how connected he was to others around the country regardless of their surface-level qualities. Then there was also Rosalynd’s warmth who so courteously tended to his needs regardless of their differences, leading him to his amazing service.



Closer Than We Think

Jason explained how he wished to convince Rosalynd that they enjoyed more mutual qualities than either could have expected. It then became evident to Jason that he needed to foster a sense of unity between Americans which cut through the divisive and petty difference which led to so much hate and disagreement.

Closer Than We Think

Closer Than We Think

Genuine Guy

The combination of sincere praise with the generous gift made Rosalynd a very touched individual that day. She explained that she was wrong to instantly jump to conclusions about a person just for their political beliefs, being amazed over the fact that Jason, “was more embracing than even some of my more liberal friends, and there was a real authenticity in our exchange,”

Genuine Guy

Genuine Guy

Making Waves

As mentioned before, Rosalynd is a real hustler, and this incredible sum of cash came in the nick of time. Rosalynd had been forced to pile more shifts onto her already hectic working life as she was struggling to cover the bills for her new apartment. The $450.00 tip was her saving grace.

Making Waves

Making Waves

We All Stand Together

Rosalynd admitted that the opinion of the men had been muddied by her preconceptions of certain people. She was then assured that so many different kinds of people with nothing more than to be united despite their political allegiances. After all, a person isn’t defined by their political stance, but by their actions and behavior as a human being. No matter which leader you admire, you deserve a chance to introduce yourself.

We All Stand Together

We All Stand Together

Sentimental Gathering

Despite Jason and Rosalynd both having failed to exchange contact information, the viral nature of their story led to their reunion, thanks to one of Rosalynd’s co-workers posting the receipt onto Twitter. It wasn’t long before millions of users across the world were elevating the two heroes into widespread public attention. During an interview, Rosalynd made Jason’s day when she contacted him using FaceTime. Neither had spoken to each other following the touching moment at Busboys and Poets.

Sentimental Gathering

Sentimental Gathering

Seeing Eye To Eye

The pair were given the rare opportunity to reunite after going their separate ways, filling each other in on their different experiences of this tale. They agreed that people had missed the point of what they had shared together.

Seeing Eye To Eye

Seeing Eye To Eye


Sadly, but unsurprisingly, many people started commenting that this was a racial case, where, “this white guy helping this black girl” took pity on her. They both wanted to emphasize that this was not the case at all, and they were disappointed that people would see this special moment where racial differences were erased in the opposite way.



Love Conquers All

The compassionate pair regard their meeting as proof of unrestricted benevolence, where two strangers saw through their prejudices to show kindness to each other. Jason believes that with a little bit of self-reflection and accountability, Americans can really understand how they view and understand each other. When it comes to intercultural relations everyone can do better, and start loving and treating each other better. Jason and Rosalynd’s air hugged and air-kissed each other and then said goodbye.

Love Conquers All

Love Conquers All