Costa Rica
The official, most cost-effective, and value for money retirement location in the world! Consider the list of attributes Costa Rica has. Low crime rates, no political instability, magnificent scenery, majestic woodlands, and sun-drenched beaches. All of this for $1 000 per month secures you a guaranteed perfect retirement. Again, take advantage of the Pensionado program which only requires you to confirm that you have a pension amount available of $1 000 a month and allows you to take advantage of fantastic benefits and discounts. You can choose to belong to the public health-care system or buy your own privately if this is what you prefer. Costa Rica must be the ultimate retirement location but the following destinations are our editor’s choice and need some valid consideration as well.

Costa Rica
Scottsdale, Arizona
For the retiree who loves small-town living coupled with amazing vistas, this town is a must-see. Peace and quiet are guaranteed and a mild climate will be easy on aching bones: no snow or low temperatures in Scottsdale!

Scottsdale Arizona