Enjoy the architecture and stunning scenery? Consider Vietnam as your ideal retirement home. Savor the local cuisine that will have you enjoying many meals to come. You will find that both the coastal and inland cities of Vietnam have reasonable rentals and will ensure that you can live off your savings for a long while. The climate is mild and retirement is mainly stress-free.

Of course, learning to speak Vietnamese is no mean feat but once you have mastered this, your communication with others will be smooth and will not require the assistance of any of the bilingual ex-patriots. There is also a tendency today, for English to be spoken more often in Vietnam and many retirees are finding that it is not even necessary to learn a new language anymore. As far as health-care is concerned, you can obtain excellent basic care in Vietnam or choose to travel to other countries for the treatment of more complex health issues. Once you have been granted a one-year multiple entry visa, you can remain as a resident in the country but remember that this requires you to leave the borders of Vietnam every 3 months before you can return.
With many American tourists visiting annually, it is not surprising to find that Ecuador is a favorite destination amongst American retirees. Ecuador prides itself on the upkeep of its heritage sites and nature spots throughout all its cities and you will find plenty to see and do in every town before choosing where to settle down. At a very reasonable rental of around $400 per month for the smaller rentals, you will be spoilt for choice when looking for accommodation. It probably will not take you very long to determine which area you would like to settle down in.

Once you have decided, visit the Ecuadorian consulate in America and apply for a retirement residency visa. It is at this stage that you will need to show some documentation to prove that you can draw an income of about $800 a month from your retirement annuity fund and that you can also afford to pay for a monthly health insurance premium.