Yvette Prieto
Michael Jordan may have been married a couple of times already, but it seems like his most recent one to Yvette Prieto is built to last. Yvette is a model by profession, and now works full-time raising the couple’s two daughters. It should come as no surprise that Michael Jordan is a billionaire, and together, these two are worth almost $2 billion. With royalties from The Last Dance still coming in, that figure is set to keep rising in the coming years.

Yvette Prieto
Lynne McNabb Walton
As a result of his dad’s hard work, Jim Walton inherited a fortune that goes unparalleled in American history. As co-founder of Walmart, Sam Walton made billions of dollars in his quest to expand the franchise to all corners of the country. Jim married Lynne McNabb Walton, and the couple have welcomed a brood of four children into the world. With a combined net worth of over $50 billion, it’s safe to say that the couple’s children will never have to worry about money in their lives.

Lynne McNabb Walton