Rhonda Palmer
When your father was CEO of Chick-fil-A back in its heyday, you were bound to have some financial benefits trickling down all these years later. Dan Cathy became CEO of the massively popular fast-food chain in 2014, and as a result of his efforts, his own personal fortune has grown to over $5.5 billion. Dan married wife Rhonda along the journey, and today they reside in Atlanta with two sons who will likely continue the family legacy in the decades to come.

Rhonda Palmer
Kevin Warsh
If you’re familiar with beauty brand Estee Lauder, you can imagine the financial return granddaughter Jane Lauder inherited when the time came for it to happen. Now worth a cool $4.3 billion thanks to this event, Jane still works for Clinique to keep herself busy. When she’s not at the office, she’s spending time with partner Kevin Warsh, who works for the U.S. government. Still happily married, these two spend most of their time in New York City.

Kevin Warsh