Marilyn Hawrys Simons
Our list might be full of hedge fund billionaires, but in the case of James Simons, his spouse came along well before he had a successful career of his own. Marilyn Hawrys Simons tied the knot with James back in 1977, which means that they have been going strong for almost 45 years. Marilyn has stayed true to her roots, avoiding excessive lavish spending and doing what she can to extend a helping hand to the needy whenever possible.

Marilyn Hawrys Simons
Flora Pérez Marcote
As some of the other entrants on our list illustrate, it’s not uncommon for the elite to meet each other at university or at work. Amancio Ortega is the owner of a fashion group that owns prominent luxury brands, and wife Flora Pérez Marcote holds a position on the board of his business. In the nearly two decades that they’ve been together, the couple has a staggering net worth that nearly tops $70 billion. Not too shabby for two people that came from relatively humble beginnings.

Flora Perez Marcote