The Genius Who Transformed a Dusty Airplane Into A House

Published on 05/29/2020

Picture this: you are strolling through a forest, taking in all the natural splendor, when you suddenly walk straight into an airplane through the bushes. We are not kidding, an actual airplane in the middle of the woods! One’s initial idea could be that a plane met a disastrous end here. Or that it’s some airport’s junkyard. If you discovered this aircraft in the forests of Hillsboro, Oregon, you may have stumbled across the wonderful ‘house’ of Bruce Campbell.

The Genius Who Transformed A Dusty Airplane Into A House

The Genius Who Transformed A Dusty Airplane Into A House

You probably know of both famous and ordinary people who have turned yachts or old cars into homes. While some people must live in their cars or boats out of necessity, others turn them into luxurious pads. Campbell is then one of many people who have repurposed a mode of transport into something incredible.

The people of the world reside in all manner of extraordinary environments, often taking advantage of their given resources when it comes to building a home. For example, some groups construct their houses up in the branches of trees, with others taking what they can find, like mud, stone, and bricks (and sometimes ice) and building homes with them. However, we have never come across someone transforming an aerial mode of transportation into a livable and even admirable home!
It doesn’t take much consideration to understand that Campbell’s unusual dream of turning an airplane into a home was a challenging project. Even without wondering just how to circumvent the laws regarding this mission, as well as how the irregular shape of a plane can be divided into lounges, bedrooms, and bathrooms, there is the actual moving of a Boeing 727 from an airport to a forest. Regardless, we’re convinced that Bruce is a crazy kind of genius.
Campbell once worked as an electrical engineer. Throughout his career, he maintained his dream of utilizing airplanes for far more than just flying, upcycling retired aircraft into phenomenal works of art. Using his fathomless ingenuity, Campbell pulled off seizing soon-to-be scrapped planes and repurposing them into lavish dwellings. It’s time to take an exclusive look into his marvelous mind and creations!

The Imaginative Mind

Campbell may be finished with his electrical engineering career, being 64 years of age, but that has not stopped his energetic and creative mind from finding new uses for everyday objects. His pioneering commenced during his 20s, when he purchased a 10-acre plot for $23,000 nestled in the woods of Hillsboro, Oregon. Even then, almost 40 years ago, Bruce had already formalized his dreams for the place.

The Imaginative Mind

The Imaginative Mind

Born With It

From the time he was a child, Campbell loved tinkering with various resources and scrapped objects, revamping them into novel creations brimming with innovation. Campbell initially purchased the Hillsboro plot towards revamping a handful of freight vans to create a fresh new home. His objectives shifted when he learned about an even more adventurous kind of home which another person had constructed.

Born With It

Born With It

Irresistible Creations

Less than two decades had passed when Bruce found out about Joanne Ussery, a Mississippi born hairdresser who had purchased a Boeing 727 aircraft and remodeled the plane into a handsome home. Before packing her things for the now grounded home, Joanne resided in an ordinary house which tragically was razed to the ground. This pushed her to form a working abode inside a defunct airplane, right next to a peaceful lakeside.

Irresistible Creations

Irresistible Creations

A Humble Start

Despite Bruce having been deep into his mission of revamping freight vans, he chose to pursue the more pioneering effort of transforming a massive airplane. Further, he believed that the added difficulties of giving a wasted aircraft a second chance was worthier and more in line with his recycling philosophy. Size did not matter at this stage, as his 10-acre plot could easily facilitate the project. Funding, however, was an issue, as there was the purchasing and moving of the plane from its original spot to his Oregon property to consider.

A Humble Start

A Humble Start

Let’s Buy A Plane!

Campbell settled on purchasing a Boeing 727 airplane in 1999. He discovered a buyable model at Athens Airport’s Olympic Airways, then forking out $100,000 for the plane. This steep cost was just one of many, as he now had to figure out how to transport the titanic thing out of Athens Airport to his Hillsboro forest.

Lets Buy A Plane

Lets Buy A Plane

How To Move A Plane Without Flying

The shifting of the Boeing out of Greece, all the way to Oregon, would become the biggest challenge in the entire project, as reported by Bruce. The plans for the transportation, leading to its fruition, along with other random details, all combined into another bill of $120,000 for Bruce. This meant that Bruce had been set back $220,000 before even picking up a hammer. Bruce’s enthusiasm, however, had not been drained at all. In time, Bruce would find that his investments would pay off in ways that were beyond his wildest dreams.

How To Move A Plane Without Flying

How To Move A Plane Without Flying

The Titanic Move On An Epic Scale

Bruce’s industrious determination could not be diminished by the frightful level of effort required to change his prized Boeing into a home. Initially, he had to shift the airplane into the heart of the forest. However, this crazy delivery was just one of many even larger problems at hand.

The Titanic Move On An Epic Scale

The Titanic Move On An Epic Scale

Clipping The Wings

A whole team of workers was brought in to take the plane’s wings off so that it could all squeeze into Bruce’s “garden”. The team had to dismantle the wings with a method in mind which would allow them to place the parts back inaccurately and simply again.

Clipping The Wings

Clipping The Wings

Closed Off Property

You are probably now wondering just how Bruce though the law would allow him to shift his Boeing into a forest. This took the mass-buying of the total surface area which his aircraft would touch. Not surprisingly, the officials involved were amazed at his innovative boldness.

Closed Off Property

Closed Off Property

Novel Ideas

Initially, Campbell considered the aircraft as a comfortable operation which would take flight without a fixed goal or outcome, other than the solid objective of transforming it into a luxurious and splendid lodging. Bruce maintains that airplanes can be easily upcycled as homes, without having to be “mindlessly scrapped”.

Novel Ideas

Novel Ideas

The Woods Await

The whole project spanned over several years, with Bruce residing in a neighboring freight van as he dedicated all his time to the upcycling. The move to the woods had been challenging, however, he was dedicated to finishing the mission, his determination unshaken. The right mindset aside, plenty of challenges awaited Campbell.

The Woods Await

The Woods Await

Unforeseen Circumstances

Not long after his move, Campbell encountered a colony of mice within his van home, forcing him to shack up within the Boeing. Ironically, this premature move led him to properly grasp the zone as well as what it needed to be properly changed.

Unforeseen Circumstances

Unforeseen Circumstances

Two Worlds Collide

Bruce spoke of his goals with The Mirror, where he described how, “shredding a beautiful and scintillating jetliner is a tragedy in waste and a profound failure of human imagination.” He continued by saying that despite many individuals believing that residing inside an airplane deep inside a forest is a strange and lonesome choice, he sees it as quite appropriate, considering his admiration for airplanes and their magnificent designs, which are, “unmatched by any other structure people can live within”.

Two Worlds Collide

Two Worlds Collide

Pioneering On Another Level

Bruce was free of opening plans when first considering the inside of his beloved aircraft, however, the instant he slept inside the dwelling, everything began falling into place in his mind. As he put it in a talk with Business Insider, his goals were born upon entering the plane and visualizing the seats and passengers disappearing. One could then imagine how this space would look as a living area, as well as how amazing the environment overall was.

Pioneering On Another Level

Pioneering On Another Level

The Big Reveal

Prior to the eventual reveal of Bruce’s revolutionary airplane abode, he washed the plane’s outside with a high-pressure water spray. Bruce described to the Daily Mail how the cleaning could have seemed quite straightforward. In reality, the washing was only finished after around four days!

The Big Reveal

The Big Reveal

Maintenance And Safeguarding

A Boeing 727 requires cleaning of its outside areas once every two years. The engines can only be reached through ladders, as well as the roof of the aircraft. The dangers of slipping off or losing one’s grip on the high-pressure hose led to the practical cleaning of Bruce’s dream lodgings becoming a hazardous mission! Such challenges worried him to an extent, however, the outcomes of his dedication justified the risks.

Maintenance And Safeguarding

Maintenance And Safeguarding

Not Your Everyday Residence

While discussing his efforts with the Daily Mail, Bruce mentioned how ordinary homes were like classic car brands, while an airplane one was more like a novel Tesla. He continued by saying that each abandoned airplane deserved to be transformed into an “aerospace class castle,” perfect for elders and young folk alike.

Not Your Everyday Residence

Not Your Everyday Residence

A Home Fit For Elon Musk

According to Bruce’s fantasy of a castle, the airplane is supported with concrete pillars and a pathway flowing into the revamped airplane abode, positioned within the fringes of Hillsboro. Touring the zone, the level of effort which was invested into the Boeing became immediately visible, being quite evident that this project did not magically fly into being.

A Home Fit For Elon Musk

A Home Fit For Elon Musk

Should I Stay Or Should I Go?

Bruce wished to recycle and locate novel purposes regarding most of the gear which the plane possessed, becoming dedicated to leaving most of the equipment and technology within the cockpit. Further, Bruce remodeled the inside of the plane to allow everyday life through much creative reconstruction and changes within the structure.

Should I Stay Or Should I Go

Should I Stay Or Should I Go

The Construction Process

According to Bruce, his novel home involves an indefinite amount of development while still being a livable, all-purpose residence. While the shower could be a creative self-built job which Bruce personally constructed, the man also focused on refurbishing several of the plane’s built-in qualities. He reinstalled the LED lighting, the classic airplane bathroom, the accompanying stairway as well as a number of the initial seats which arrived with the Boeing when Bruce first purchased it. You are probably desperate to have a look at this incredible creation!

The Construction Process

The Construction Process

Exclusive Invitation

Entering Bruce’s jetliner abode requires you to go up through the plane’s built-in stairway, just as one would with a conventional Boeing 727 a while back during its actual operational days. Now, the highlighted steps will take you into Bruce’s revolutionary residence.

Exclusive Invitation

Exclusive Invitation

Taking Everything Into Consideration

Bruce took every small feature into consideration. For example, there is a shoe rack lined with slippers featured at the entrance of the Boeing which is for tourists boarding the abode. As you can guess, Bruce maintains that guests don socks and slippers while visiting his jetliner castle. Unsurprisingly, keeping this complicated and spacious home polished becomes rather challenging.

Taking Everything Into Consideration

Taking Everything Into Consideration

The Golden Rule

When Bruce speedily caught on to how filthy the glass could become thanks to its wooded positioning, he maintained that wearing slippers and socks be mandatory. Although Campbell is a lone wolf, he is very protective of the unconventional house he personally designed, ensuring that remains spotless.

The Golden Rule

The Golden Rule

A Welcoming Insistence

Shuffling around his airplane castle, wearing socks and slippers which both keep his feet cozy and the place fresh, Bruce maintains that his beloved Plexiglass flooring is respected. Through his comfy procedure, Bruce frequently finds motivation for further developments in his ever-changing airplane abode.

A Welcoming Insistence

A Welcoming Insistence

Everything He Wants

Although the repurposed jetliner is completely spacious, Bruce keeps in line with his humble way of life. The former electrical engineer snoozes upon a futon, his diet consisting mostly of canned food and cereal, a microwave and toaster being his primary cooking appliances. He still builds plenty of personalized gadgets, however.

Everything He Wants

Everything He Wants

A Humble Genius

Campbell is pictured here reclining upon his futon, surrounded by plenty of his items. As one could have guessed from the massive book he was reading in a previous photograph of him on his bed, this is not playtime for the inventor, as he is putting his irregular brain to work thinking up ways to improve his home’s facilities.

A Humble Genius

A Humble Genius

Living Standards

The airplane’s dual built-in toilets function and are part of the facilities, however, the most marvelous hygiene installment in the Boeing palace must be the shower and the full water-related pioneering which was put into its building, positioned closer to the tail of the craft. Bruce toiled over a trench which linked with a good conduit, providing fresh and clean running water, not to mention the power to heat it.

Living Standards

Living Standards

All Linked Up

Bruce linked the original power cable with an aged meter base before hooking up a novel circuit breaker cabinet upon the Boeing. Further additions included a water-pipe for emergencies, a telecom cable, and a PVC duct. All of this permits the scientist to maintain his hygiene comfortably.

All Linked Up

All Linked Up

Pilot’s Spot

Bruce’s magical airplane and its cockpit continue to enjoy the full range of its existing instruments, however, he has turned the whole spot into an entertainment zone, within which he can enjoyably read. The cockpit also serves as his genius station, where his best thinking occurs, proven by the collection of gizmos all over the place.

Pilots Spot

Pilots Spot

Fun Land

According to an interview that Bruce did with Business Insider, he considers the airplane home to be one giant toy, kitted with trick doors and fancy hatches, almost like a Star Trek movie set. This is all heaven for a tech geek like Bruce, being an exhilarating place where he is surrounded by “toys enclosed in a very big toy.”

Fun Land

Fun Land

Electronic Genius

Bruce spends most of his days inside his marvel, completing his assignments through his computer within his personalized (and personally constructed) workstation. It is here where all the home improvement related brainstorming happens. Bruce described his methods of planning to the Daily Mail as enjoyable, claiming that “most people are nerds in their hearts in some measure. The point is to have fun.”

Electronic Genius

Electronic Genius

Everything Comes Together

It seems rather obvious that an engineer would wish to reside within his passion projects. Such intimate proximity to a workspace provides a far better insight into its inner workings, as well as how to improve them.

Everything Comes Together

Everything Comes Together

Completely Operational

Bruce did not stop at getting water flowing within the plane, he continued with repairing the lighting within and outside of the airplane. While he considered that such a solitary and isolated life would have its fair share of challenges, he rewarded himself with the tiny luxury of being assured that the essential and fundamental services were all in place.

Completely Operational

Completely Operational

Evening Entertainment

It must be said that Bruce’s home continues to be completely livable even during sunset, with blackouts being easily dealt with. Whether he wishes to study something, get lost in a book, or burn the midnight oil, all his nighttime needs are covered. Further, Bruce replenished Boeing’s initial LED lights, bringing an environmentally friendly brightness.

Evening Entertainment

Evening Entertainment

Green Thumb

Bruce’s concerns don’t end with the inside of his aircraft, he is also committed to maintaining his immediate woods, in the same way, that other home dwellers tend to their private gardens. Bruce manages the grass and its potential invaders which detail the plane’s surroundings.

Green Thumb

Green Thumb

A Herculean Effort

Bruce makes a weekly effort of mowing the nearby grass, ridding it of weeds, and ensuring that the surrounding zone constantly appears pleasant. While you may doubt that Bruce can take care of all this alone, his energy and commitment seem to be unstoppable.

A Herculean Effort

A Herculean Effort

A Commitment To Upcycling

Bruce spoke to The Daily Mail about his motivations for being so dedicated to upcycling and repurposing airplanes into residences, highlighting the fact that this kind of home building brings a large scope of benefits to our world. Airplanes are also supremely rigid and resilient, being able to survive natural disasters.

A Commitment To Upcycling

A Commitment To Upcycling


Beyond its resilience, Bruce’s Boeing 727 is also quite easy to maintain and keep hygienic. Bruce detailed just how straightforward his domestic chores are, as the interior is maintained in a sealed pressure canister. This kind of home can easily house people for hundreds of years! This is just another incredible benefit he hopes will inspire people towards changing their homes.



Nearing Perfection

The thought of not having enough resources and facilities could repel many individuals from making the move, however, Campbell has shown that this can be easily remedied when a plane-home is positioned near to a city.

Nearing Perfection

Nearing Perfection

Living Strong

As is shown in the image, Bruce certainly will not be starving for some time to come. Despite fine dining is rather difficult to achieve, this is the kind of innovator who puts technological convenience far above his gourmand needs. His kitchen remains completely equipped with everything one could need for modest eating, and meal prepping is straightforward.

Living Strong

Living Strong

Genuine Lifestyles

Despite Bruce’s airplane obviously being unable to take flight, he kept some of the original seating rows to give visitors and residents the fantasy of actually taking a trip in his fabulous wonder.

Genuine Lifestyles

Genuine Lifestyles

Exclusive Access

Bruce only kept a handful of the initial seating arrangements to ensure that he had enough living room and space. The keeping of the flight seats also serves as a reminder as to why he adores his unusual living arrangement. Also, these serve as awesome spots to lounge in.

Exclusive Access

Exclusive Access

The Working Area

Bruce’s most beloved spot happens to be the cockpit zone. This space has many different purposes, being his personalized entertainment area, a therapeutic relaxation spot, and, most essentially, where he finds that his creative juices flow the strongest.

The Working Area

The Working Area


Bruce relishes being able to take the pilot’s place and fantasizing just what it’s like to command an aircraft. The simulation is made even realer by the array of equipment present. It is here that the magic of science comes to life.



Hygiene Matters

Residing within a repurposed the airplane has not stopped the inventor from maintaining a great level of cleanliness. Bruce possesses a washing machine, which keeps his garments fresh and pleasant smell, with unlimited running water for all his restroom needs.

Hygiene Matters

Hygiene Matters

Creativity Is Essential

While technical know-how is vital, creativity is also essential, with Bruce proving how a combination of the two can allow one to turn any object towards being a DIY abode.

Creativity Is Essential

Creativity Is Essential


While Bruce’s home might seem unusual, his domestic life is rather ordinary. He looks after himself and keeps himself looking healthy and presentable. You can see just how well he takes care of himself from just how spotless he keeps his winged home’s interior.



Plenty Of Company

Bruce is well-established within society and has not fallen into the hermit life. He insists on showering and shaving each day and his Boeing facilitates everything one could need to lead a healthy and grounded life.

Plenty Of Company

Plenty Of Company

Built For Life

Bruce said that due to the plane’s firm metallic makeup, as opposed to many conventional homes that are made from wood, it is highly desirable. As discussed with Business Insider, Bruce detailed how lowly he regards the use of wood in construction. It is easily eaten by termites and microbes, biodegrades quickly, and can easily go up in flames.

Built For Life

Built For Life

Power Or Purpose?

Bruce believes that ordinary rectangle-shaped homes are totally inferior due to their preference for ergonomics over stability. He stated that, “To me it makes no sense at all to destroy the finest structures available and then turn around and build homes out of materials which are fundamentally little better than pressed cardboard, using ancient and inferior design and building methods”.

Power Or Purpose

Power Or Purpose

Prying Eyes

Despite the constant questioning Bruce receives regarding his home, such as whether it crashed in the forest, he would rather stay silent as he finds such curiosity rather irritatingly silly.

Prying Eyes

Prying Eyes

The Public’s Right

Bruce wishes for the public to understand what it takes to construct a project such as his airplane castle. Personally, he finds it odd that visitors cannot completely understand the delicate touches which went into raising a discarded plane into a home. However, he appreciates that plenty of individuals are oblivious to their true potential.

The Publics Right

The Publics Right

Proud Of Himself

While being filmed during a tour of his exclusive airplane abode, Bruce is intensely proud of his efforts and results. He has made himself at home here.
Amazingly, this is just one of Bruce’s revolutionary breakthroughs, and his unique mind continues to buzz with novel plans to come. Let’s find out what else is in store for the marvelous creator!

Proud Of Himself

Proud Of Himself

All Over The Place

Despite his unwavering commitment, Bruce only stays inside the Boeing for around six months of each year, the rest of which he spends in Japan. Talk about a radical shift!
Within Japan, Bruce fills his mind and hands with all manner of quests. There is a single issue that really stands out for the inventor. Perhaps you might know what it is?

All Over The Place

All Over The Place

Further Efforts

You probably guessed it, more plane homes! Japan will be the lucky recipient of his next aircraft abode, only this one will be much larger: a Boeing 747! Bruce is already committed to purchasing a trashed 747 airliner again, towards erecting another unique residence in Japan.

Further Efforts

Further Efforts

Broadening Horizons

Bruce is a real advocate for the environment and believes that human ingenuity must be put towards aiding it. His former career as an electrical engineer has powered his innovation. Upcycling aircraft is uplifting for Bruce. While reclining against his winged palace, Bruce states that he wants to revolutionize home life in general.

Broadening Horizons

Broadening Horizons

The League Of Geniuses

Bruce is proud to be a part of a tiny outfit of talented individuals across the globe, whose members live in Costa Rica, Texas, and the Netherlands. These likeminded masterminds have also repurposed discarded aircraft into fully-functional homes. An advocate of the group, known as the Aircraft Fleet Recycling Association, stated that his crew loves to see airplane bodies being reuses in imaginative manners. They wish to see more of these creations being formed in a greenway.

The League Of Geniuses

The League Of Geniuses

Empowered Individuals

The Aircraft Fleet Recycling Association homes in on pushing green work ethics regarding aircraft and their engines. Another advocate within the organization estimated that around half a thousand airplanes will be trashed annually throughout the following twenty years, with an upwards of almost two thousand airplanes being scrapped within the following three years. It then takes an increased level of support for Bruce’s home building example to begin turning things around.

Empowered Individuals

Empowered Individuals

A Forest In Oregon

With multiple motivations at hand to make Bruce select the Hillsboro woods in Oregon to commence building the airplane home, the initial one was definitely his 1970s graduation where he found work within the county. Further, the rural beauty of this land took his heart, not to mention how forward-thinking the people in Oregon are. There was also plenty of space in the woods for his massive project.

A Forest In Oregon

A Forest In Oregon

An Ordinary Residence

Bruce was never interested in purchasing a place until he was much older, as he put it to The Daily Mail, believing that applying for a mortgage would just economically restrain him. When Bruce finally had the funds to invest in a house, his mind had already drifted far beyond traditional walls, floors, and roves. He stated that “I had stopped thinking in provincial terms and was thinking like a free bird engineer”.

An Ordinary Residence

An Ordinary Residence

All Interested People May Come

Campbell is overjoyed to be able to let interested minds enter his home, giving them passionate tours of the place. He is even happy to allow people to stay in his magnificent home for a while through a special booking.

All Interested People May Come

All Interested People May Come

Likeminded Passions

The Daily Mail was curious to get Campbell’s opinion on the many visitors which he gets every day, and he responded by saying that the frequent visitations are something he fosters. The homebuilder is content to share all the marvels and wonders he crammed into one airplane, a thing he considers to be the pinnacle of human genius.

Likeminded Passions

Likeminded Passions

Carrying On As Normal

Despite being more than happy to host normal, booked tours, Bruce sometimes gets uninvited guests, such as the one intrepid explorer who stepped in while he was taking a shower!

Carrying On As Normal

Carrying On As Normal

Fresh Faces

Bruce describes the visitors as 75% formally arranged and 25% just candid intruders. Still, he doesn’t mind any of it really, as he told The Daily Mail¸ as his home is transparent in more than one way. He carries on with his business as usual, while interacting with tourists. This all allows people to gain new insights.

Fresh Faces

Fresh Faces

The Show Of Ages

Beyond providing interested visitors with tours, Bruce also lends his home to multiple open and exclusive events all year round. From 30 June to 3 July throughout 2018, positioned on a green stretch by the aircraft’s right wing, Bruce held an incredibly special concert, headed by Japan’s singer Pomily, alongside a collection of other great performers. Bruce promoted the show through his website as a unique concert design, with amazing music performed on a wing of an inspiring aircraft castle. Of course, Bruce added some helpful advice for attendees, such as the wearing of rural-appropriate outfits and footwear. Granted, his slippers were available for anyone wishing to pop into the actual aircraft.

The Show Of Ages

The Show Of Ages

Festivities On Another Plane

Those who happened to miss this unique concert shouldn’t despair, as Bruce is throwing another party which will be even bigger and a lot more exhilarating, called, ‘Turbulence: A Dance Party at a 727 in the Woods’. Hosted on a wing of his aircraft, there will be plenty of feasting, drinking and good tunes, all granted with the good graces of the Oregon Liquor Control Commission. Attendees will, of course, be allowed to enjoy a walk-through Bruce’s home.
The event will be a massive electronic dance shebang which Bruce is throwing alongside his close pals. These buddies happen to own the Portland event hosting business known as Murderboat Productions, with the show being hosted throughout the 7th and 9th of September in 2018. More than 14,000 individual individuals have confirmed their dedication to the party through Facebook.

Festivities On Another Plane

Festivities On Another Plane

A Solitary Existence

On his life as a bachelor, Bruce mentioned to The Daily Mail that, “I will not marry and will not generate kids. I’m 68 so it’s too late anyway, but I simply never desired to be married or have kids. I enjoy romance and love and I indulge in it as much as the civilization will allow”. Bruce is happy carrying on with his humble existence within his personalized bachelor pad, uninterested in pursuing other paths in life. Perhaps Bruce views the traditional opinions of intimacy and matrimony in the same light as he does mortgages, as restraining and curbing pursuits. Further, Bruce’s humble existence has not curbed his passionate qualities, leading us to the genius’ current work which has taken off already.

A Solitary Existence

A Solitary Existence

A Larger Plane

Bruce splits his annual life in half between living within the Oregon forests inside his Boeing 727, the other half within his Japanese project where he is buying properties which will facilitate the construction of his second airplane home, the larger Boeing 747-400.
Bruce believes that his efforts will motivate others to follow in his footsteps. As written in his website, he hopes to kindle a revolution in thinking and practicality surrounding the incredible resource. He believes that recycling airplanes is something crammed with excitement, allowing people to turn trashed aircraft into completely livable abodes. It is through giving tours that he hopes to properly inspire others.

A Larger Plane

A Larger Plane

The Bigger Picture

The amazing inventor is gearing up to invest his time into his next bigger airplane home from the beginning of 2018 onwards within the Japanese island of Kyushu. This selection was inspired by Bruce’s need for a haven which is both for his needs, as well as the broader populace.
The Japanese island is often prone to be hit by tsunamis, and so Campbell believes that his airplane base can be transformed into a sturdy shelter for the locals. Through this effort, he hopes that people will come to sympathize with the many uses of turning airplanes into bunkers. As airplanes are constructed with such incredible technology and sealed pressure implementations, they are perfect for making it through the most destructive natural disasters, over a period of several centuries.

The Bigger Picture

The Bigger Picture

The Sophisticated Aircraft

Campbell’s Oregon abode was built out of a Boeing 727-200, which the company maintained throughout the 1960s up until 1984. The 727 was constructed to fulfill proximal and moderately lengthy trips as this model could land inside tinier airports which possessed relatively sharper runways.
This design could house between 149 and 189 people, being the sole design which Boeing built with triple engines. Delta Airlines happened to be the final sizeable U.S. aircraft which followed the design, with the final Boeing 727 being decommissioned in 2003 in April. Northwest Airlines followed suit by decommissioning its version of the airplane within June of 2003 as well. The sole airline which continues to utilize the Boeing 727-200 for human transport happens to be Iran’s airline, Iran Aseman Airlines.

The Sophisticated Aircraft

The Sophisticated Aircraft

A Sad History

Prior to purchasing the Boeing 727 which would soon become his fascinating lodgings, the aircraft served mundane usage. This meant that it took passengers across the world. Sadly, this particular model served as the aerial hearse, the body is joined by a particular celebrity…
Bruce’s Oregon abode turned out to be the steel bird which carted the deceased Aristotle Onassis to Greece following his passing. The Greek business maverick Aristotle succumbed to respiratory failure in 1975 while in France on 15 March. He was, at the time, happily married to his old friend and spouse, Jackie Kennedy Onassis, the ex-wife of former President John F. Kennedy. Obviously, the devoted widow wished to follow her man’s body within the aircraft to Greece for the funeral.

A Sad History

A Sad History