Israeli women are nothing short of gorgeous, with darker features and often having exotic green eyes. Tel Aviv is one of the places where you will find some of the most beautiful women in the world, especially when you look at the growing nightclub scene that brings out some of the most gorgeous people the world has to offer. As a result of coming from genetically mixed backgrounds, these women are showstoppers no matter where they might travel to for all the right reasons.

Porcelain dolls have a lot in common with Chinese women, in that both are precious, beautiful and one-of-a-kind. Flawless skin is a trademark of the women of China, and thanks to an economic upswing they are able to flaunt their features through a variety of products and fashion choices. Chinese women are also known for valuing fitness and general wellbeing, drawing others in and often surprising a room with their sense of humor and overt modesty.
