Petite and friendly, Taiwanese women are the perfect combination of beautiful and nice. Their appealing features make them popular all over the world, and the younger generation has a keen interest in expressing themselves through distinctive hairstyles and out-of-the-ordinary fashion choices. They always draw attention to themselves when they enter the room, and frankly, they aren’t known for shying away from this whenever they get the chance. We love them all the more for doing so.

With over two billion inhabitants, it’s no surprise that India is home to some of the most beautiful women on earth. Indian women are family-focused, cultural, and wildly creative when it comes to the way they dress. There is only one word that describes them sufficiently well: breathtaking. If any of the Netflix reality shows about finding love in India are anything to go by, many people have their hearts broken by beautiful women from the region, which doesn’t surprise us.
