Appearing Clown
When: 2016
Where: Huntsville, Alabama
If you’re a little scared of supernatural phenomena, now might be the time to skip to the next image. In this 2016 drone image from Huntsville, Alabama, seemingly out of nowhere, a clown can be seen in the middle of an abandoned cornfield. The photographer had no idea who this person was, and when he went back to take more pictures, the clown was gone. This is the kind of stuff that horror films are made of.

Appearing Clown
The Heights of a Nightmare
Where: Hong Kong
Details: interestingly, this place features a lot of the world’s largest and highest skyscrapers
The industrial revolution brought with it a boom in technology around the world, and some of the more developed economies started building skyscrapers all across their most profitable cities. Hong Kong is no exception, and this drone image taken in the city center shows exactly how vast the expansion has been over the last decade. This photographer had to get their drone higher up than most drones are typically allowed to fly to begin with, and they were rewarded for their efforts.

The Heights Of A Nightmare