These Drone Photos Will Mesmerize Your Minds

Published on 10/05/2020

Blessings for your Week

Where: Hong Kong Border, Beijing-Hong Kong-Macau Highway
Details: The traffic along this route is nothing close to normal as back in 2010, traffic lasted on this road for over 12 days as most motorists could only manage to travel a minimum of 1 mile per day.
As this drone photo suggests, working from home as a result of the pandemic might not be the worst thing in the world. Taken on the Hong Kong border, more specifically on the Beijing-Hong Kong-Macau Highway, this shot shows a traffic jam in the area from 2010. This was not your typical rush hour commute, however. The cars piled up for days in the area, and it is said that most could only travel a couple of miles over the course of an entire day.

Blessings For Your Week

Blessings For Your Week


Calm Beach

Photographer: JP and Mike Andrews
Where: Massa, Italy
Sometimes we all need a reminder of just how beautiful the world around us is. As this drone shot shows, almost with perfect symmetry, the beach does not only have to be appreciated from ground level. Taken in Massa in Italy by JP and Mike Andrews, this shot perfectly encompasses the idea that there is so much beauty around us, and all we need to do to experience it in its full force is to look up at the world around us from time to time.

Calm Beach

Calm Beach