Porcupine Fight
Trail cams are always capturing every activity in the woods, and a famous one includes the numerous fights they are engaged in. Humans are always fighting, and it seems they are not the only ones who go at each other. Animals do have disagreements, and this trail cam capture has proven this to us. Here we see two porcupines going at each other, and we don’t know the reason for their fight. To say which one would eventually go home with the victory, we cannot say, but it is clear…this fight is really tough.

Porcupine Fight
Baby-Making Mission
We all have our time when we get up close and personal with our significant other, and these deers were showing us how exciting and memorable it can be. It is clear they chose a secret place to do their deeds, but it is a pity they do not know a trail cam is capturing their deeds. Their privacy has been invaded, but they don’t know and obviously don’t care. We shouldn’t be surprised if we see a few fawns running around the place anytime soon as they get in their groove.

Baby Making Mission