Getting A Lift
There are many animals born with the ability to help themselves when it comes to moving around, while others need some help. Here we see a trail cam capturing a heart-warming moment of a mommy bear helping her cub to get some food. He needed to get a lift, and mom stepped up and helped him gain a level of independence by reaching his own meal for the day. It is so cute, and it gives us a sense of inner peace, and we have to give this mama bear a medal for great parenting.

Getting A Lift
Hello Y’all
Wolves are always mindful of their surroundings, and this picture shows us that they notice something about their environment. How often or how possible is it for anyone to get such a close-up look of a wolf? It turns out this wolf found the trail cam, and the capture shows it was curious to know what was going on and the purpose of the strange item in their space. No wonder they look so intrigued to find out what was going on and the real purpose of the screen they were staring into.

Hello Yall