Hungry Otter
There are so many incredible photos you get to see when these trail cams get into action, and capturing animal territory is one of its specialties. This photo shows us how much goes on when we are nowhere in sight, and these animals get to roam freely. Here we have an otter captured with a fish in its mouth – obviously on a quest to satisfy its hunger. It is an interesting yet extraordinary photo because it is rare and not one we’ll see too often.

Hungry Otter
Owl On The Attack
You may not see owls as often as you see other birds, so it was worth cherishing when this picture was released. It is pure beauty when you take a deeper look at it. As seen here, the owl was on a mission to strike the deer when the cam decided to capture the perfect second. It could be that the deer was not the real target for the attack, but it could be the owl spotted something, and the deer somehow stepped in the way while he was heading down. What a photo!

Owl On The Attack