These Are Some Amazing Photos Captured By Real Trail Cams

Published on 12/28/2020

Caught In The Antlers

From the way this picture was taken, it seems as though the buck was in war with a pig, but it is somewhat clear he has no idea it is only a fake pig made of plastic. But, to add to the troubles, the plastic pig has been caught and trapped in its antlers, and this is really a big mess no animal would want to find itself in. It is a funny yet strange photo, and we do hope this buck managed to get some help in freeing itself from this entanglement.

Caught In The Antlers

Caught In The Antlers


A Polka Dot Moose

Many people may be wondering what kind of animal this is – could it be a cow, or is it a horse? Well, it is neither of those two but rather a polka dot moose. It is certainly a rare sighting, and we are loving the uniqueness of this animal and wouldn’t mind seeing one the next time we are in the woods. There are so many interesting features about a moose as many you may not have known they have a vegetarian diet. Thanks to this trail cam, we get a chance to see some of the best attributes of nature.

A Polka Dot Moose

A Polka Dot Moose