Partying Raccoons
Whatever these raccoons are eating, it seems to be something they were not supposed to be eating, but they were eating it nonetheless. These two raccoons were still indulging in the food while some were lying around either with a full tummy or they were trying to relax after a hectic day of gallivanting. These two raccoons seem to be planning for a night full of fun and play because they are not ready to give up the food they are indulging in. There are some wild ones.

Partying Raccoons
Hungry Fox Kits
When one is hungry, they will go above and beyond to get some food in their system, and these beautiful fox kits were among the group who needed to get some food in their system. No matter their age or size, Foxes are cute and are almost a gem to look at. We have to say they are super cute for these babies here, and we would look at them all day long. Their adorable features make them stand out from other animals, and the mother seems oh-so-proud to be feeding her babies.

Hungry Fox Kits