Another “Uber” Service
From the look of things, buffaloes are not the only ones used as a transportation mode for others moving around. Smaller animals find it pretty challenging to traverse far journeys without getting tired, and so this is where large animals come in to give them some solace and provide a level of hope for them. Here we see a trail cam capturing a raccoon taking a trip on the back of a feral hog. The hog doesn’t mind the small guy taking a ride on its back.

Another Uber Service
Feasting At Midnight
There is no time set for families to eat and enjoy some good time together, and this family of deers has proven how true this is. This trail cam captured a large family of deers enjoying a great meal and making the most of it. Probably it was a special occasion, and they only got this chance to enjoy it at close to midnight in the middle of the woods. Each deer even had their own little bit that they were making the most of, and it seemed so delicious.

Feasting At Midnight