The Cute Predator – When Good Seals Go Bad While National Geographic Photographers Are Just Trying To Do Their Jobs

Published on 08/18/2020


This photo was captured at Hokkaido’s Blue Pond. Yes, it is indeed a real life photo, with no digital editing. The pond, however, was created by humans, being an artificial body of water made to stop Mt. Tokachi from muddying the connected river. This pond was completely frozen throughout the wintery season which this photographer visited during




Nature’s Ferocity

This is one elemental masterpiece of a photography. The juxtaposition of the beautiful starry night with the explosive volcano makes for a dramatic wonder of a photograph. The lightning here is a result of superheated lava plumes mingled with the winter chill. Head to Colima, Mexico to witness such a sight!

Natures Ferocity

Natures Ferocity