The Uncovering Of Enigmatic Fossils In The Earth’s Deepest Hole Led To Its Sealing

Published on 02/25/2021

Breaking Through The Limits

The Kola Peninsula scientists were now satisfied with their record-setting achievement and for the time being took some time off burrowing. The following year saw plenty of other parties taking tours of the jaw-dropping project. Can you imagine looking down into such a hole? But it wouldn’t be long before the Russian scientists felt the itch to explore further. A year later, the project recommenced. But this time, it would not go on for very long when a devastating technical issue brought the drilling to a grinding stop. Some obstacle had fallen into the team’s path, one which there seemed no way around.

Breaking Through The Limits

Breaking Through The Limits


Reaching Higher

That is not to say that the crew gave up hope, however, as the scientists simply returned to a less deep borehole measuring 23,000 feet below the earth’s surface and got back to work. By the time 1989 arrived, their efforts had broken their previous record with a 40,230 foot drop, which came to 7,5 miles. The team was inspired, and this now decade-long mission was bound to go on until the end of the 90s where they would break past the 44,000 feet mark. Had they gone too far?

Reaching Higher

Reaching Higher