Hope For The Future
To add to their estimated achievements, they were sure that the beginning of 1993 would see them hit the 49,000 feet depth. Ordinary humans had not even been able to imagine what life at this level looked like. What they also didn’t know was that underneath the isolated tundra in Russia, one shocking enigma lay waiting for the Soviet crew. It was when the Russian crew was approaching the planet’s core that an entirely unforeseen consequence hit the miners.
Jules Verne Would Have Been Impressed
The initial 10,000 feet brought a relatively accurate temperature reading within the borehole that the scientists had predicted. That being said, not long past this point, things started getting much, much warmer. As the crew commenced closing in on its goal, the temperatures were reaching a critical level of 180° (356 °F), which was a fearsome 80° C (176° F) higher than what the scientists had estimated. The scientists were shocked that they were even able to operate at such tremendous heats.