Divine Intervention?
Now that the bears were safe, the fishermen started questioning their own mortality! They were not too worried, however, simply being relieved that their unlikely shipmates were safe and sound. This is the kind of sacrifice you would hope any human would be able to make, even when presented with a potentially dangerous pair of predators. Had the fishermen not been there that day, the cubs would most likely have drowned.

Divine Intervention
Freezing Teddy Bears
The weary fishermen now carefully approached the cubs to see if they were alright. As expected, the nearly drowned babies were shivering out of control. It wasn’t just the cold that was causing their trembling, they were scared of their new captors. These were wild animals after all, unfamiliar with humans and boats. This was all proving to be fearfully foreign for the animals now out of their comfort zone.

Freezing Teddy Bears