When This Mama Bear Abandoned Her Cubs To Their Watery Graves, Some Mysterious Rescuers Appeared

Published on 11/10/2020

The Fisher’s Oath

The fishermen were heartbroken to see how miserable these wretched cubs were. They turned to each other and made an oath: these cubs would grow up to be fine and strong bears! At least as far as a human can carry a wild animal, however, as obviously taming these creatures was out of the question. And so, they made their way for dry land, where the mother was anxiously anticipating her babies’ return.

The Fishers Oath

The Fishers Oath


Docking Rights

The fishermen were getting close to the shore, but if they were to land safely without destroying their boat, the ideal spot would need to be found. They also had to consider the mother bear’s access, and so they couldn’t dock somewhere she could not easily reach. Despite having left her cubs to die, the mother wished nothing more than to have her babies safely in her paws again. She was nowhere to be seen, however, and the fishermen wondered if she would even come, and even if she did that, how would she react?

Docking Rights

Docking Rights