When This Mama Bear Abandoned Her Cubs To Their Watery Graves, Some Mysterious Rescuers Appeared

Published on 11/10/2020

No Brakes

Robert described this moment where a person can truly grasp nature’s grandeur, with this natural family scene unfolding before him. He was oblivious to how monstrously significant this seemingly harmless meeting would prove to be. His future was now lethally intertwined with that of the wild, and only a person well-acquainted with natural emergencies could have made it out in one piece. And if not one piece, then with enough pieces to return home to tell the tale!

No Brakes

No Brakes


Out Of Sight

The Californian gentleman was blind to the thing watching him in his blissful ignorance. Robert happily continued watching the glory of the wild animal family, while a predator, closer than he could ever have imagined and yet completely out of sight, waited for him to make a move. It was only forty feet away from him and could have at any moment taken him down for the kill before he could even scream.

Out Of Sight

Out Of Sight