When This Mama Bear Abandoned Her Cubs To Their Watery Graves, Some Mysterious Rescuers Appeared

Published on 11/10/2020

Big Cat Mountains

A mountain lion lay crouched in anticipation, sizing Robert out and observing his behavior and condition carefully. “For sure it must have been stalking the little bear, but it was on me in seconds,” recalled Robert. Now the decisively easier prey was about to have his memorable day an everlasting memory for all the wrong reasons. The serenely calm situation seemed uninterruptible for Robert. Too bad he was about to face the full wrath of one of nature’s most lethal agents.

Big Cat Mountains

Big Cat Mountains


Stealthy Takedown

The mountain lion waited for Robert to turn back to the path. As the old man moved, the ferocious cat took him to the ground. Robert described how the mountain lion pounced on his backpack. Its tremendous claws started tearing through his bag and flesh as he fought back with all his might. Even in his youthful prime, Robert would have had an extraordinarily little chance of overpowering this infamously brutal beast.

Stealthy Takedown

Stealthy Takedown