#8- Meat Pie : $14.600
Restaurant: Fence Gate Inn in Lancashire, UK
Ingredients: Japanese Wagyu beef, Chinese Matsutake mushrooms, Winter Black Truffles and French Bluefoot mushrooms
Restaurant Location: https://fencegate.co.uk/

Meat PieIngredients : Japanese Wagyu Beef, Chinese Matsutake Mushrooms, Winter Black Truffles And French Bluefoot Mushrooms
#7- Frrrozen Haute Chocolate: $25,000
Restaurant: Serendipity 3
Ingredients: 5 grams of 24-carat gold mix in, more gold, whipped cream and a La Madeline au Truffe top the dessert.
Restaurant Location: https://serendipity3.com/

Frrrozen Haute ChocolateIngredients : 5 Grams Of 24-Carat Gold Mix, More Gold, Whipped Cream And a La Madeline au Truffe Top The Dessert.