The Nature of the Post
Addressing her audience of friends on Facebook directly, Madelyn began by expressing that in her 43 year life, she had never had the confidence to wear a bikini and today was meant to be a momentous occasion for her. The post mentioned that she was not about to be victimized because of something as ridiculous as a dispute over the size of her swimming costume. Naturally, this led to a lot of friends commenting in her defense, and reminding her of all the hard work she had done to come so far on her journey of personal wellbeing.

The Nature Of The Post
A Regular Two-Piece Bikini
Knowing that she may face some questions about the nature of her prized bikini, she preempted comments by clarifying that she had been wearing a regular two-piece string bikini at the time of the incident, and that the pictures would show that it was nothing extravagant or out of the ordinary. She expressed that she didn’t want anyone else to go through the humiliation that she had to endure that day, wondering whether it had happened to anyone else in another park across the country.

A Regular Two Piece Bikini