Discrimination and Body Positivity
It was evident that Madelyn felt like she was being discriminated against for two things: her body shape, and her age. This was the case because younger women were wearing the same things in and around the park, and they hadn’t faced the same questions that she had to answer that day. After sharing the post, she wondered about why she was singled out to begin with. She knew that she shouldn’t dwell on this too long, banking on the support of her family to help her through the ordeal.

Discrimination And Body Positivity
Madelyn’s Story Goes National
Social media is undeniably powerful in getting a message out to the world, and a few days after Madelyn wrote her post, it had been shared nationally and internationally. Commenters suggested anger and shock at how she had been treated, and many wondered if others faced similar problems at water parks around the world. When she saw the response, Madelyn realized that she had to take further action to get her story out there, in order to prevent others from being discriminated against in the future.

Madelyns Story Goes National