Woman Gets Asked To Leave Water Park On The Basis Of Her Outfit

Published on 07/13/2020

Embracing That People Come In All Shapes and Sizes

Madelyn also reflected on how beautiful the human body was regardless of its shape and size, as well as the age of the person. This was a lesson she wished she had learned when she was younger, as it would have allowed her to improve her self-esteem and to lead a happier life growing up. She decided to take the positives that she could from the experience, while in the back of her mind she wondered whether the water park was going to contact her about the incident at all.

Embracing That People Come In All Shapes And Sizes

Embracing That People Come In All Shapes And Sizes


No Money, Just a Change in Policy

Madelyn had no interest in being compensated from the park for this troubling incident, and it never even crossed her mind that they may offer her some money in order for the story to go away. What she did want, was for them to change their “appropriate swimming attire” policy, which clearly needed a revisit. Aside from this, she hoped that her story would encourage other water park owners to consider sensitivity training for their staff, who unknowingly could seriously damage the self-esteem of one of their patrons while making a snap judgment about the shape of their bodies.

No Money Just A Change In Policy

No Money Just A Change In Policy