Not an Uncommon Occurrence
Madelyn hoped that this story would set a good example for water parks across the board, but little did she know that this type of discrimination was happening in other public spaces as well. While Madelyn’s story was doing its rounds, people turned to social media to discuss instances where this had also happened to them, and as our next story shows, even a casual space like the gym can result in you being targeted (and effectively ostracised) for what you’re wearing.

Not An Uncommon Occurrence
An Incident at the Gym
College student Sarah Villafan was well known in her local gym in Charleston, especially as she was often seen working out after her classes. Like Madelyn, she would also be asked to leave one day based on how she had been dressed. On that fateful day, she had planned on visiting the gym right after her final class, which was not altogether uncommon for her. It wouldn’t be long until she was approached by a member of staff for what she was wearing.

An Incident At The Gym