A Challenge Between A Cat And A Coyote
Here we see a trail cam has captured an incredible scene where a cat and a coyote are going head to head in a challenge. From the look of things, it seems as though the coyote is winning the battle, but we do have a confident cat who decides not to go down without a fight. He makes it clear that he will die trying to make his way through without giving up for no just cause. Hopefully, they can settle their differences before the problem gets any deeper.

A Challenge Between A Cat And A Coyote
Party Time
I know we all want to get the answers as to how this guy got in this position, but from the look of things, it is clear he has had a lot to drink – maybe too much! We don’t know if he even knows a deer is right next to him, or it is a case where he was happy to have the company and just rolled with the current circumstances. Amidst everything that is going on, we hope he enjoyed the whole experience and safely got home. This trail cam was in a snapping mode and was not up for missing any of the action.

Party Time