Dog And Buck
This capture is something you will not see every day as, how possible is it for a domesticated dog to come in contact with a buck? This, for sure, was an interesting meet-up, and we can just imagine the drawback they both had before they came together like this. They were so intrigued to know more about each other, and we are hoping they develop a cool and safe relationship and one that will last a while. Many people believe it is never safe for wild and domesticated animals to come in contact with each other as they can get defensive in trying to protect their space.

Dog And Buck
Break Time
This trail cam captured a cute little otter enjoying a little snack between his daily activities and movements. However, in the middle of eating his food, he is staring right at the screen and probably thinking…”what am I looking at?” We are super excited to see this beautiful part of nature, so we can imagine what this trail cam owner feels when they get a chance to see what their tech tool captured. Well, no matter what was going on, this otter was not about to stop his food break.

Break Time