You Or Me
“He grabbed me from behind and knocked me down to the ground. I was on my knees,” Robert described to The Huffington Post. “I had my rock pick out because I was on a steep incline, and I smashed the cat in the head with it.” While some people simply lay down to accept their fates, with others doing their best to run away, Robert described himself as a fighter.

You Or Me
Hidden Grace
Robert was not about to simply lay down and die, however, and he surprised the mountain lion with his own natural power. Robert managed to grab his rock pick from his backpack throughout this primal battle, striking the big cat full-on in the face. The cat flinched, but quickly recovered, and would have furiously torn into Robert if some formless mass had not ripped the lion off him with surprising ease. The mother bear had come to his rescue, seizing the lion by her throat.

Hidden Grace