Untamable Faceoff
Robert failed to describe just how deafeningly terrifying the sound of these two beasts roaring and growling at each other was. The bear flung the mountain lion away from Robert, and the two flew into each other in an explosive clash. If Robert was a betting man, his money would have been on the bear, massively outweighing the mountain lion at four to one. Granted, the mountain lion quickly became a scaredy-cat as it bolted for the hills. The bear quickly regained her composure, checked to see if Robert was fine, and then strolled back to her baby.

Untamable Faceoff
Bruised Ego
Robert was no stranger to the Bean Soup Flat Trail, but never in his wildest dreams would he expect to come between two radical forces of nature on the otherwise tranquil path. Thankfully, Robert was largely uninjured and only needed his first-aid kit to tend to some small scratches. Understandably, his wife was adamant that he should be in a hospital, afraid that the mountain lion’s attack could lead to infection.

Bruised Ego