This fruit has become specifically popular among celebrities, which is another snack ideal to make you feel for longer periods. Grapefruits contain a lot of fiber and can help bring down your blood sugar levels. Even if you potentially finish an entire grapefruit in one sitting, it’s only going to total a few hundred calories. It also contains magnesium, potassium, and Vitamin C, which make it beneficial for your immune system. Even a single grapefruit will comprise 60 percent of your daily Vitamin C requirement.

It’s no secret that cantaloupe is popular especially to people on a diet given its several health benefits. It’s also made up of 95 percent water, which makes it very filling as soon as you consume it even if a serving contains just 55 calories. Grapefruits have carotene, which is specifically beneficial for your eye health. Lastly, this amazing fruit is filled with Vitamins A, C, and potassium. There’s no reason why you shouldn’t snack on grapefruits given the benefits they can provide your body.
