The Most Recommended Foods You Can Consume Without Gaining Weight

Published on 07/12/2021

Nutrition plays an important factor in your overall health and wellbeing. Losing weight comprises a combination of both exercise and nutrition, which means the food you consume also plays a factor in maintaining your weight or losing weight. Without feeding your body with all the essential nutrients and vitamins, working out won’t do anything in terms of your progress. There are certain foods you can eat that won’t affect your weight, which are the foods you should be trying to incorporate into your diet.

The Factor That Makes Certain Food Filling

The satiety index contained in food can help reduce the frequency of your hunger, therefore helping with your overall caloric intake. This is the primary reason behind why certain foods provide fewer calories when consumed – because of their lower energy density and weight. In addition, protein-rich foods are your best friend when trying to lose weight. This is why people who regularly exercise need an abundance of protein as it has several benefits like making you more full and helping with muscle growth.

The Factor That Makes Certain Food Filling

The Factor That Makes Certain Food Filling


Oatmeal contains an abundance of fiber and even if this is classified as carbs, they’re whole-grain carbs. The best thing about oatmeal is that it is incredibly easy and fast to prepare in the morning, making it an ideal breakfast meal in the morning. It’s also very filling because it’s able to hold water, causing its weight to rise. Lastly, oatmeal contains a lot of beta-glucan to slow down digestion by reducing carbohydrate absorption.




Whole solid food has always had the notion of being more filling, recent studies have shown that this isn’t necessarily the case. In fact, soups can encourage you to feel more full and guarantee that you consume up to 80 percent of calories than you would otherwise. Broth-based soups also generally provide fewer calories and can encourage less bloating than cream-based soups. If you’re looking for another simple meal that can make you feel longer, broth-based soups are an advisable idea.




Eggs are one of the staple food groups that are often seen in several meals and recipes, and they’re classified as protein-rich foods. While there was a negative notion on eggs for your health, these are one of the healthiest foods you can eat. It’s likely after consuming eggs that you won’t feel hungry for a significant period. Eggs are also filled with all the nine amino acids that are essential for your body. There’s a reason why eggs are always an ideal choice for breakfast, especially given their high-protein nature.




Fish are known as abundant in protein and contain healthy fats in the form of omega-3 fatty acids. Not only can omega-3 fatty acids improve your physical health, but it also does wonders for your mental functions and concentration. Significant research has also proven that fish has higher satiety than any other type of meat. Further studies have also shown that people who incorporate fish into their diet consume 11 percent fewer calories than those who eat beef.




Fruits are rich in so many nutrients and vitamins that are significantly good for your health, and apples aren’t an exception. Apples are known to have a high score in the satiety index, which means you’ll feel full longer by consuming apples, whether as a snack or appetizer. Apples also have pectin, which is a fiber that slows down digestion. Lastly, apples have a high water percentage to keep you more hydrated, since oftentimes you’re not really hungry but just lacking water.



Cottage Cheese

While it’s easy to assume that any kind of cheese will make you gain weight since it’s classified as dairy, this isn’t the case at all. Cottage cheese is the one variety of cheese that’s extremely filling but won’t encourage weight gain. It’s also filled with several vitamins and nutrients such as Vitamin B, phosphorus, calcium, and selenium. Lastly, cottage cheese offers a similar satiety level that eggs provide, which means you’ll feel full longer.

Cottage Cheese

Cottage Cheese


Oranges are the most popular fruit when getting your daily dose of Vitamin C. It’s also low in calories, wherein you get only 80 calories by consuming a medium-sized orange. It’s very juice and it is perfect weather as a snack or a smoothie. Other benefits of oranges include maintaining your cholesterol levels and blood sugar levels. Regularly eating oranges can help you fight serious diseases and illnesses as Vitamin C strengthens your immune system.




Another food rich in protein and fiber, legumes are very filling to consume and won’t make you hungry for a prolonged period. Legumes also have an abundance of carbs and energy but unlike other empty calories, legumes are categorized under whole grain carbs. This means that these can promote weight loss more compared to refined carbs you’re putting in your body. This is also why legumes are also seen in keto diets, which is a diet high in protein.




Zucchini is most popular seen in salads wherein a single serving would provide only 42 calories. It also has an impressive salt-to-water ratio, which means that this aids in your digestion and overall gut health. This is also one of the foods that come with a lot of minerals, which will bring out the energy output of what you eat if you’re really intent on losing weight. Lastly, it’s very ideal for detoxing certain chemicals in your body that can aid in less bloating.




Enjoy a guilt-free, healthier version of the Balkan/middle eastern famous stuffed puff pastry-kinda food – the Bourekas! The original Bourekas comes in many forms and shapes, meaning flavors and rolling techniques may vary. The dough itself with the enormous amounts of oil uses to separate the sheets of dough, is what makes it all puffy and crunchy. To make a healthier, more friendly version of Bourekas, you can substitute the puff pastry dough with rice paper, choose your favorite filling, brush an egg white, and top with sesame seeds on top, bake for 10 minutes, and you got yourself a treat!




Berries are rich in antioxidants called polyphenols, which makes them extremely good for your physical health. Strawberries also contain more Vitamin C than oranges when we’re talking about consuming an entire serving of them put together. Rich in both potassium and fiber, these berries are classified as low-energy food with a cup containing just 50 calories. It’s also free of sodium, fat, and cholesterol, which make them an ideal food to consume for weight loss.



Lean Meat

If you’re someone who can’t give up meat entirely especially when they taste so good, you should opt for buying lean meat more. Lean meat scores high in its satiety index, which makes this an adequate choice even for weight loss. Lean meat is the evidence you need that you don’t need to necessarily cut off meat to lose weight. Studies have also shown that those who consume lean meat regularly eat 12 percent less in their next meal. It’s classified as a low-carb high-protein food that will effectively aid in weight loss.

Lean Meat

Lean Meat


While a lot of people perceive popcorn as fattening, this isn’t the case at all. It’s a whole-grain food that’s filled with a lot of fibers and keeps you full for longer periods compared to empty calories like junk food and cookies. As long as you consume this in moderation and watch your sodium levels with butter and salt, you should be fine with eating popcorn. As with everyone, moderation is key to achieve weight loss.



Boiled Potatoes

Potatoes are known to have an abundance of carbs, which is why they’re commonly avoided when trying to lose weight. However, this misconception is false and it can even help you maintain or lose weight. Potatoes contain a lot of vitamins, fiber, and resistant starch, which has four calories per gram which is very different from the calories regular starch provides.

Boiled Potatoes

Boiled Potatoes


Eggplants are one of the most underrated foods that are classified as low-calorie foods. When baking with no oil, a single serving will fill you up. The best part of this is that each serving only provides as low as 24 calories. Eggplants also contain several antioxidants that are good for your body upon consumption. It also comes with a lot of vitamins and minerals such as niacin, phosphorus, manganese, thiamine, and Vitamins B6, C, and K. Lastly, it contains fiber, which aids in your overall gut health.




There’s no surprise on how eating a lot of fruits can not only aid in weight loss but have several benefits for your body. From the name itself, you can assume that watermelon is composed primarily of water, with up to 92 percent of water. Each serving provides as low as 30 calories and since the majority of its composition comes from water, it’s the reason why you feel so full. Just like any fruit, it comes with a lot of minerals and vitamins. Lastly, it contains a specific amino acid called arginine, which helps burn body fat.




Lettuce might not be an ideal food if you’re looking for an adequate source of protein or fiber, but it contains a lot of nutrients and vitamins like iron, folate, Vitamin A, and C. Lettuce is extremely low in calories, providing just 10 to 20 calories, depending on the type of lettuce. It’s also filled with 92 percent water, which is why even if it’s not a protein-rich food, it can make you feel full for a prolonged period, especially when topped with the right foods like zucchini, chicken breast, egg, or tomatoes.




When you hear algae, the first thing that must come to your mind is green mush. However, algae should be your new best friend when losing weight. It’s a very low-energy food that contains a lot of iodine, which is responsible for stabilizing your hormone levels. It also helps your thyroid glands function better. Lastly, algae contain a lot of protein, potassium, and iron. Don’t be fooled by its green nature as this can effectively aid in weight loss.




As another food that’s composed of water, cucumbers are very hydrating, which is also why you can see them being included in detox waters. While several people like peeling off its skin, it’s best to avoid doing that to absorb the full nutrients that cucumbers provide. It also provides just 16 calories per serving, with its seeds and peels being full of fiber. You can never go wrong with incorporating cucumber into your diet or even as just a snack.



Honeydew Melon

While honeydew melons aren’t the most low-energy-dense foods, they can still aid in weight loss. Each serving contains 78 calories and even if it’s much higher than other fruits, it contains natural sugar. In addition, a single serving can provide you half of your Vitamin C requirement, which is beneficial for your skin and your immune system. If you’re craving something sweet, this is the best alternative given the natural sugars it contains instead of consuming chocolate or cookies.

Honeydew Melon

Honeydew Melon


As another filling food, beetroot is considered a low-calorie food as it provides just 40 calories. This is also a low-energy-dense food, which means it’s recommended even for high intake that won’t break your caloric restrictions. If you want to burn fat, beetroot will encourage you to reach that goal. Lastly, beetroot helps with blood sugar regulation and muscle growth. With the several benefits it provides, beetroot is great for your physical health and wellbeing.




We’ve already discussed the general benefits that berries provide, but blackberries in specific are full of bioflavonoids, which are antioxidants that are beneficial for your digestion and circulation. One serving of blackberries has 60 calories since it’s quite a sweet fruit. The health benefits that it provides aren’t just limited to physical health, but also your skin health. Blackberries are rich in fiber and go perfectly in oatmeal and yogurts, especially as fruit toppings.




Kale is a known vegetable that can effectively aid in weight loss. It’s rich in both protein and fiber, and since it’s classified as a low-energy-dense food, it can make you feel full for longer periods. One cup of kale gives you 33 calories, with 2.5 grams of fiber and 3 grams of protein. There’s no doubt that kale is beneficial for your health. Similar to other leafy vegetables, kale can help you burn belly fat and other stubborn fats in your body.




Tomatoes have always been known for the benefits they provide for your skin and overall health. They’re also very versatile and easy to add to several meal recipes and snacks. Tomatoes are rich in Vitamins A and C and also include potassium, chromium, folate, and fiber. A lot of people don’t know this, but tomatoes are one of the foods that are rich in fiber. This is why you won’t feel hungry fast when you consume tomatoes in your diet.




Blueberries are extremely rich in antioxidants, similar to other varieties of berries. It’s high-energy dense and provides 85 calories for a single serving. It’s also rich in fiber, which is why you can see them paired with yogurt, oatmeal, or even pancakes. A study was also shown that eating blueberries can help speed up the fat-burning process. Blueberries have natural sugar in them like any other fruit, and they’re great to satisfy your sweet tooth.




This fruit has become specifically popular among celebrities, which is another snack ideal to make you feel for longer periods. Grapefruits contain a lot of fiber and can help bring down your blood sugar levels. Even if you potentially finish an entire grapefruit in one sitting, it’s only going to total a few hundred calories. It also contains magnesium, potassium, and Vitamin C, which make it beneficial for your immune system. Even a single grapefruit will comprise 60 percent of your daily Vitamin C requirement.




It’s no secret that cantaloupe is popular especially to people on a diet given its several health benefits. It’s also made up of 95 percent water, which makes it very filling as soon as you consume it even if a serving contains just 55 calories. Grapefruits have carotene, which is specifically beneficial for your eye health. Lastly, this amazing fruit is filled with Vitamins A, C, and potassium. There’s no reason why you shouldn’t snack on grapefruits given the benefits they can provide your body.




It’s normal to not be a fan of green vegetables, but broccoli is one of the bearable-tasting vegetables that have so many benefits for your fitness and health. For even more benefits, you can choose to eat it steamed instead of raw. Aside from the fact that broccoli can help prevent or destroy cancer, it’s also an adequate source for Vitamins A, C, K, and E. The best part is broccoli consists of just 31 calories.




Cauliflower is even tastier than broccoli, which makes them the more popular choice for vegetables. If you’re impressed with the 31 calories that broccoli provides, cauliflower only provides 25 calories. It’s considered a low-energy-dense food that contains several antioxidants and phytochemicals. Cauliflowers can help keep you safe from several diseases and illnesses, given that they’re rich in folate, fiber, Vitamins C, and K. If you want to lose weight and be healthy, cauliflowers are a great food choice to consume.




Celery is one of the foods that are filling and low in calories at the same time since it’s mostly water – up to 95 percent water. Celery is also rich in several vitamins and nutrients such as folate, fiber, potassium, Vitamins A, C, and K. A single serving gives only 6 calories, which makes it extremely ideal for weight loss. It can also help reduce or prevent bloating because of all the electrolytes it contains.




Several researchers have concluded that hummus and the ingredients that come with it provide a lot of health benefits. If you aren’t familiar with it, it’s a Middle Eastern dish made from chickpeas combined with tahini, lemon, juice, and garlic. Hummus is naturally high in healthy fats and low in carbs, which makes it ideal for low-carb diets. Asides from aiding in weight loss, it can also help fight inflammation along with improving your gut health.



Greek Yogurt

Greek yogurt is one of the food trends you’ll see in the fitness industry and it’s that way for a reason. It’s specifically packed with protein, probiotics, calcium, and fiber, which are all beneficial for your physical health. If you’re specifically prone to bloating, Greek yogurt can help you manage it and your overall gut health. This is one of the foods that are known to help you achieve weight loss, given its perfect proportions of protein, fats, and carbs.

Greek Yogurt

Greek Yogurt

Chia Seeds

You can often see chia seeds being used in smoothies and yogurt toppings since this superfood is packed with an abundance of protein and fiber. Considered as a low-calorie food, chia seeds can help you feel full for longer periods. Studies have also significantly shown that chia seeds can absorb between 10 to 12 times their water weight, causing them to move slowly in your digestive tract. This is the science behind why chia seeds can make you feel more full.

Chia Seeds

Chia Seeds


This isn’t just high in fat, but it’s also incredibly high in manganese, which makes coconuts an excellent food choice for your physical health. It can also aid in your cholesterol levels and acts as an important antioxidant to protect various cells in your body. Whether you use it as a topping for yogurt fruit bowls or use coconut oil, this can effectively help you reduce fat and have a slimmer waist. Lastly, it’s packed with fiber and can make you feel full longer.



Dark Chocolate

While it’s easy to assume that chocolate will make you fat, this isn’t the case when you consume dark chocolate, considering it’s a moderate intake. Dark chocolate is the healthiest chocolate you can eat compared to milk chocolate, given that it has the highest percentage of pure cocoa butter – a source of stearic acid. Dark chocolate takes more time to process and can help you lose weight since it makes you feel more full. Lastly, dark chocolate comes with a lot of antioxidants, and it doesn’t just benefit your physical health, but also your mental functions.

Dark Chocolate

Dark Chocolate


Salmon has an abundance of both protein and healthy fats, which makes this an ideal food to consume, especially after working out. Since it’s also filled with omega-3 fatty acids, salmon is one of the healthiest foods you can add to your daily diet. Whether cooked or raw, salmon has the same remarkable benefits for your body. It can also reduce inflammation, lower cholesterol levels, and maintain your blood pressure levels. Dieticians even make the claim people who intend to lose weight should include salmon in their diet.




While this might come as a surprise, duck meat is one of the most advisable lean meats you should eat for weight loss. Duck has several benefits for your heart and it’s an excellent source of protein, which should help lessen your cravings for unhealthy foods like junk or fast food. When paired with exercise, it can also help repair and build your muscles, especially after resistance training. Through its protein content, duck can help you lose weight and maintain a caloric deficit.




Beans aren’t a crowd favorite, but they’ve always been known to provide significant benefits for your health. Health experts and dieticians claim beans are packed with soluble fiber, which helps with inflammation in your digestive health. They’re not just incredibly tasty, but they’re filled with several nutrients and minerals to aid in weight loss. Since it’s rich in protein and fiber, beans can make you feel full for a prolonged period, preventing you from exceeding your recommended caloric intake.




Asparagus is high in fiber and has been linked to weight loss, especially for those following a restrictive diet. This is one of the best foods to incorporate into your diet if you really intend on losing weight. It’s extremely low in calories and a great source of iron and Vitamin K. Lastly, asparagus contains the chemical asparagine, which is an alkaloid directly affecting cells to break down fat. There are so many meals you can include asparagus such as salmon or tofu.



Bell Pepper

A cup of bell peppers gives you thrice your daily Vitamin C requirement, which should be your motivation to put these spices into your meals. This is an extremely versatile spice that can be incorporated in almost all dishes, especially if you’re a fan of spicy food. Bell peppers are great for weight loss, especially with the several vitamins, nutrients, and antioxidants found within them to fight off diseases. If you’re not stacking up on bell peppers yet, it’s time to re-think that.

Bell Pepper

Bell Pepper


Tuna is one of the healthiest fish you can consume and it’s also very easy to prepare, especially in the form of canned tuna. Even if it’s pre-packed, canned tuna isn’t considered processed and contains a lot of health benefits. Tuna is a low-calorie high-protein food and can make you feel full for a prolonged period. Tuna is also considered one of the popular foods among bodybuilders and fitness models since it promotes weight loss.




Aside from being an ideal source for soy protein, it’s also rich in antioxidants, Vitamin K, and fiber. By incorporating an adequate amount of edamame into your diet, you’d be helping your cardiovascular health as it’s linked to preventing heart diseases. Aside from your heart, edamame is also beneficial for your blood sugar levels and weight loss. Whether as a snack or to complement a meal, this is a great food to achieve weight loss.



Brussel Sprouts

While Brussels sprouts aren’t commonly eaten in all parts of the world, this can effectively aid in weight loss. These have the capacity to make you feel full in longer periods, reducing your tendency to engage in unhealthy eating habits. One cup of Brussel sprouts provides only 40 calories along with nutrients like fiber, Vitamin C, and K. However, despite Brussel sprouts aiding in weight loss, this isn’t recommended to consume every day but occasionally instead.

Brussel Sprouts

Brussel Sprouts


Oysters are one of the most underrated sources of protein that happen to be beneficial for your health. Aside from protein, they’re also an adequate source of fats that can aid in weight loss, along with nutrients like Vitamin B12, zinc, iron, and Omega-3 fatty acids. Oysters are commonly known not just to aid in weight loss, but to promote healthy cognitive functions, cardiovascular system, and immune system. If you haven’t tried oysters for your protein source, you might want to re-think that.




Another protein source, quinoa has exceptional properties that you might not be fully aware of. It can increase your metabolism and reduce your appetite, encouraging you to lose weight and reduce bloating. Since it’s also packed with an exceptional amount of fiber, it will encourage feelings of satisfaction after consumption. This is a much better alternative compared to pasta or rice, which are both guaranteed to make you hungry faster since they’re classified as refined carbs.




Mushrooms aren’t just extremely tasty, but they’re perfect whether you’re vegan or carnivore. Not a lot of people know this, but mushrooms are rich in protein and can help increase your metabolism, which can result in fat loss. This will keep you energized for a prolonged period, aligning with the days you exercise. Eating a lot of mushrooms wouldn’t just help you lose weight entirely, but it will maintain your energy levels throughout the day.




Carrots are often seen paired with potatoes, but these can be eaten individually or combined in a meal. They’re another low-calorie snack that fits perfectly in your restrictive diet and contains a lot of nutrients in. You can even combine this with other nutritious vegetables to make stir-fried vegetables that fit your diet. In fact, carrots don’t have to be eaten, but you can make it into a delicious smoothie to kick start your morning.




We’ve included several forms of fish in this list for the sole reason that they really do promote weight loss and include omega-3 fatty acids. Although sardines are small fishes, they’re still packed with a lot of protein, which can also regulate your blood sugar levels. Given their protein content, sardines are extremely filling to consume and won’t leave you hungry for hours. Lastly, sardines are beneficial for your cardiovascular health and your mood levels.




While this is one of the fruits that you either love or hate because of its sweet and sour nature, it all depends on preference. Kiwis are an excellent source of Vitamin C, E, folate, and fiber, which make this beneficial for your physical health. It can also control your blood sugar levels, cholesterol levels, and support your overall gut health, which all aid in weight loss. Lastly, kiwis provide low calories and can detox your body from chemicals.



Gem Squash

This might not be as popular as it should, but it does provide significant benefits for your fitness and health. You can easily add this to any meal or consume it as a snack without costing too many calories that can break your diet entirely. Similar to any other vegetable, this can help you lose weight, especially when you pair it with exercise. Most importantly, they’re very filling to consume and will keep you satisfied for hours.

Gem Squash

Gem Squash