Another food rich in protein and fiber, legumes are very filling to consume and won’t make you hungry for a prolonged period. Legumes also have an abundance of carbs and energy but unlike other empty calories, legumes are categorized under whole grain carbs. This means that these can promote weight loss more compared to refined carbs you’re putting in your body. This is also why legumes are also seen in keto diets, which is a diet high in protein.

Zucchini is most popular seen in salads wherein a single serving would provide only 42 calories. It also has an impressive salt-to-water ratio, which means that this aids in your digestion and overall gut health. This is also one of the foods that come with a lot of minerals, which will bring out the energy output of what you eat if you’re really intent on losing weight. Lastly, it’s very ideal for detoxing certain chemicals in your body that can aid in less bloating.
