There’s no surprise on how eating a lot of fruits can not only aid in weight loss but have several benefits for your body. From the name itself, you can assume that watermelon is composed primarily of water, with up to 92 percent of water. Each serving provides as low as 30 calories and since the majority of its composition comes from water, it’s the reason why you feel so full. Just like any fruit, it comes with a lot of minerals and vitamins. Lastly, it contains a specific amino acid called arginine, which helps burn body fat.

Lettuce might not be an ideal food if you’re looking for an adequate source of protein or fiber, but it contains a lot of nutrients and vitamins like iron, folate, Vitamin A, and C. Lettuce is extremely low in calories, providing just 10 to 20 calories, depending on the type of lettuce. It’s also filled with 92 percent water, which is why even if it’s not a protein-rich food, it can make you feel full for a prolonged period, especially when topped with the right foods like zucchini, chicken breast, egg, or tomatoes.
